Customer Reviews for Advion Ant Bait Gel

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4.6 of 5 stars
(675 customer reviews)
Advion Ant Bait Gel

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Most helpful so far

    By Mona on 07/20/2012

    Verified Purchase

    The ghost, crazy, and sugar ants sure do love to eat it but 1 week after starting the bait gel I have ants. I reapply the gel when the activity gets low and BAM, they're back but in smaller numbers. The ants seem less attracted as the bait dries even though there is quite a bit of bait left. I'm hesitant to try the granular bait inside cause I have a curious cat. Advion ant bait gel is the most effective treatment I've used so far, so I remain hopeful.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Advion Ant Bait Gel Review

    By Janet on 03/29/2016

    My Professional Pest Control gentleman referred me to the Advion Ant Bait Gel. I had the tiny sugar eating ants streaming through my house in 2015, and the only thing that rid my home of the ants was the Advion Ant Bait Gel. He placed it on a piece of paper in the several places the ants were present. In about 1 1/2 days, the ants were becoming less and less. By the 4th and 5th day after using the ant bait, there were no more ants streaming through my house. I had some problems again in early March of 2016, and that prompted me to order the ant bait. It has worked very well once again. It took maybe a day longer to get rid of some of the ""straglers" but they have finally disappeared hopefully for good again this season. I would highly recommend usage of this product to get rid of ants.

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    15 of 15 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    So far looks good

    By Jaques on 05/07/2016

    Hello I don't usually leave reviews but, I thought mine could be of help. Last year we called a pest control guy since he was here before. (He only sprayed a repellent and obviously did not kill colony) Last year when weather got warm the carperter ants invaded our house mostly kitchen and upstairs of house but mostly kitchen and wood work under kitchen. I had no idea where the nest was so I bought Avion gel. Just I have different take, when I first saw the ants I sprayed a residual repellent first (which I should not have if I was trying to bait them) 3 days later the gel arrived. Here's what happened I sprayed repellent 3 days earlier when I saw maybe 5 or 6 ants for 3 days straight (I figured they were back) So when the gel arrived I used 2 vials and applied it in different areas of the house that I did not spray any repellent. I also used the granuals outside too. I ordered the gel after reading the reviews that what most people said was as soon you apply the gel the ants will come out of the woodwork and all and it will be disgusting to witness at first the ants flocking to the bait Because such strong smell. I saw no ants inside none the only ants I saw were the 5 before the gel arrived. So I took the gel outside a few days later and I found an area where I saw some activity this was by the chimney on the other side of the house from kitchen near an opening possibly. So I applied gel and granual and again I have not seen any carperter ants inside of the house. Waiting to use rest of gel and granules. So the reason I gave only 4 stars is I don't know if ants came and ate the bait at night in the house and killed off the colony.or the colony is intact they just waiting for repellent to wear off.or when I found the activity outside that was when they flocked to the gel.Or it's possible my infestation was not that severe either way I'll be ready if they come back.If just 2 vials got rid of our problems I'll be a happy man just am still waiting if I see anymore ants it's been almost a month and no sign of dead or alive ants so so far it seems to be working.just can't be sure.

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    9 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Easy to use

    By Sarah on 06/11/2010

    Verified Purchase

    Thank you for the order of the ant bait. I have used it and it really works well. I have had a touch time this Spring with the little tiny ants. They are still pretty bad outside, but thanks to the ant bait I no longer have them inside. Good product.

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    7 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Best Ant Bait Found Yet

    By Ellen on 08/15/2015

    Althought expensive for the small amount provided in the 4 tubes, this has so far been the best ant bait I have found thus far. I put it down, the ants swarm to it, and then the next day I don't see even one adult ant. Have, however found A FEW appearing to be baby ants, so you might have to re-apply in same place a week or so later, as I don't think the gel has any effect on hatching ant eggs.

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    5 of 5 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    good stuff I hope

    By Sophie on 06/04/2016

    Had a big carpenter ant problem. We had started to use Advion Ant the previous season. We had an old window taken out to replace with a new one, and found the wall to be full of ants and part of the structure of the house was eaten away. Called Orkin - pricey and they didn't do much because it was in the fall. The guy saw the Advion and asked where we got it because he thought it wasn't readily available to the public. Turns out it's what Orkin uses. We replaced the wall and religiously use the Advion in all the places (dead tree stumps, etc.) where we see carpenter ants. They love the stuff, so hopefully we can keep things under control by feeding them regularly.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Starting to work

    By Jennifer on 03/19/2021

    Verified Purchase

    We have started to have a big ant issue. I was told they're “ghost ants”. I bought this and it is helping but even with the bait stations it dries out within a few days. I've noticed less over the past few weeks. I also bought the Termidor SC for outside. I am not sure how it's working. I did try some granular bait as well as the other gel, Max Force. I am not liking the Max Force gel. I never see any ants feeding on that one here. I'll continue to use the Advion and hope I see a bigger difference soon. I'm also in Florida and bugs are just an issue. I'm from Rhode Island and we didn't have this issue. I'm losing my mind!

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  • 4 of 5 Stars


    By Tim on 07/31/2020

    I'm only giving it a four star because I still see carpenter ants. I put the gel in the hole's and a crack in the tree where I saw the ants, they came out in a swarm and started eating / nibbling at the gel. The next day, some, not all of the ants were walking like they were drunk, kind of shaking and quivering. I have not seen any ants coming out of the hole or crack where I put the gel, but there are still healthy carpenters ants running around, but not as many as before, so I'm sure that there is another nest somewhere in the tree. Considering the results and daily inspection I'm pretty sure this stuff knocked out at least one of the ant nests.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Good stuff

    By Scott on 06/15/2018

    The ants cannot let this bait alone. It does take some time though for all of them to disappear.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Excellent against Odorous ants

    By Dave on 06/21/2017

    The west coast has been invaded by supercolonies of small odorous ants. The colonies are immense and they start coming in in waves. Advion ant has worked great. I put a dot or two down, later follow the ant trail as far back as I can, then put a thin line. Gets rid of MASSIVE subcolonies. Four stars only because the product is a little "juicy" sometimes at first. The new formula should be fine.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Facility Manager

    By George on 04/01/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I hired a few months ago a professional pest control company because of ant problem and I pay over $200 for the service. I took the name of the chemicals used by the persons and after I order this from you I save a lot of money for my company. This product is working very good.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    My God, it actually works

    By Ed on 10/02/2020

    First order started the process but just didn't quite do it. Ordered a second package, got it, re-did all my points and haven't seen anything since that time.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Advion Ant Bait Gel

    By R. on 08/01/2020

    So far so good. After 2 weeks the ants definitely like it. The jury is still out on the "wiping out" the whole colony thing.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    It seems to work well

    By John on 04/03/2020

    The ants LOVE it-- they die soon after having eaten it. Hopefully, they bring some back to the nest to share with their little friends!

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Seems to work well

    By Richard on 08/24/2018

    I also use MaxForce, which for my ants seems to be the best. But I ordered this the last time and it also seems effective. My understanding is that the Advion attracts ant after protein and the other attracts ants after sugar. Both products work great.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Patience is the Key

    By Enrico on 08/11/2018

    As the subject says, this is not an immediate ant killer and is not supposed to work that way. Put around the hidden entrances and their movement paths, they congregate like crazy eating this stuff. Some i find dead on the "highways" the next day and then the next day, they are gone, who knows where. There seems to be a marked decrease in population. I avoid the hot summer day for application and only do early morn or evening to keep the gel viable. Also lasts a long way, only used one tube for about 6 applications so far. So far, so good!!

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Kill those ants!

    By Bill on 07/04/2016

    Very good results with this product. Second purchase and use.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    waiting to see

    By Patricia on 08/08/2016

    Yesterday, I put the treatment inside and out and the sugar ants are swarming it....i still have the ants in my kitchen. The directions do not indicate how long it takes for the treatment to work. Can anyone tell me how many days I can expect to see the ants finally gone? (The product was purchased on Amazon).

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Stuff works

    By John on 11/19/2021

    I've used this product over a number of years. It works indoors or out. Takes a few days to get back to the nest an eliminate the ant problem. To me, a lot cheaper than hiring a pest service. jdw

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Really Good Product

    By Judy on 08/09/2024

    This really worked except for a few stragglers (sugar ants) that seem to I'm continuing to place the ant bait for another few's been a week so far and they are 90% gone.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    It Works!

    By John on 10/09/2020

    It may take awhile depending the size of the problem, but continue to use and the problem will disappear.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    they seem to like it

    By Browniee on 06/29/2024

    I put out about two tubes of this anywhere I saw ants around the house didn't take long for them to find it. not sure if they ate it or brought it back to the nest finding alot of dead ones inside and outside medium size 1/4 inch ants for about two weeks now.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Inside Ants

    By Don on 04/01/2024

    We have been using this recommended product for about two weeks and continuing to use the product as directed. The product works well to attract ants. We are seeing no ants in some places and fewer still in one bathroom. We hope for full control soon. We have had the exterior foundation treated with professional control for about two years but have had a worsened inside problem for two months.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Maybe not working

    By Beth on 07/09/2021

    Jury is still out on this one. I thought it worked once but the same nest came back. Unfortunately they are in the insulation in my attic. Impossible to kill. I'm hoping bait will get the queen and end that problem. There are fewer ants coming in so it is working in that it is cutting the population down. In that sense it works. After 10 days I'm starting to wonder if I am just feeding them

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Product was Good

    By Chris on 10/04/2021

    Everything arrived a bit later than expected, but all items looked fine. I have been ordering from DoMyOwn for years and will continue to do so. My only complaint, which was likely due to the shipping company, was that all items arrived extremely hot to the touch. No doubt, the package was left in some situation exposing it to heat. My concern is that heat does have the ability to alter the efficacy of active ingredients in many chemical products. I do hope this is not a problem

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    use of Advion Ant Bait Gel

    By Rafael on 10/08/2021

    After the first use, most of the ants are gone. I have just put two more drops in locations we have seen ants yesterday. So far so good.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars


    By Bill on 10/08/2022

    It seems to be working. Drawing ants to it. It does dry out very quickly, but you can put a few drops of water on it.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    HELP! with ants!

    By Seniorita on 02/23/2024

    I used Terro for years and it was always effective. Until it wasn't. Then the ants took over. We ordered Advion after reading info on DoMYOWN, identifying ant type and thinking about how we wanted to apply the bait (smelly ants in the kitchen). It's not a totally instant fix, but it has so far been very effective in attracting and reducing the number of ants within a day. In a few more days I hope they are gone! I recommend using a small amount of bait in high traffic spots and refresh it daily. They like fresh bait!

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Still evaluating

    By E on 12/09/2022

    I'm up against tiny ghost ants in kitchen & bathroom. Coming thru cracks and along baseboards. They seem to still love this stuff, and I see an encouraging number of unalive individuals at the bait stations, but as a whole they keep coming back! The gel itself seems to be darker than previously noticed, and may have formed crystals inside the tubes causing irregular spurts of application.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Great Stuff

    By Diana on 12/02/2022

    I've tried many ant baits, but this is the only one that has consistently worked, and the delivery system is well-designed and easy to use and store. One inconsistency though in the last order: the gel is not well mixed so you have to deal with too-thick next to near-liquid making it hard to control the application. I ordered the four tube packet, and if the next tube is the same, I will contact DoMyOwn.

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