Product Q&A

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Stormy from West, Tx writes

After I apply Killzall Weed and Grass Killer, do I need to water?

I applied killzall 3 days ago. Am I supposed to water the grass at anytime or is it best to just not water at all? I have turtles so they are ready to be back outside. I'm trying to kill all the grass and weeds for yard renovations. Also, is it best to do more than one treatment or will one treatment be enough to kill everything to rip up?


Killzall Weed and Grass Killer must be diluted with water. You will apply 2.5 oz. per gallon of water (1 gallon treats approx. 300 sq. ft.). You should delay watering the treatment area for at least 24 hours for best results. Please see the label for complete application instructions.

Answer last updated on: 06/21/2017

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