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Jason from Phoenix writes

Applying monthly treatments of Cy Kick CS at 1 fl oz per gallon of water to my lawn to control spiders but still having issues with spiders and crickets. I am also using InTice 10 Perimeter Bait all over my lawn with no success. What do you recommend I either suggest tank mixing with Cy Kick CS, apply separately or in place of Cy Kick CS for these insects?

I live in Phoenix, AZ next to a nature reserve which provides an abundant habitat for insects.


Temprid FX can be used to treat for spiders, scorpions, crickets and many other insects both indoors and outdoors. This is a dual active ingredient insecticide that provide different 2 different modes of action to kill insects without risk of developing a resistance when applied over a period of time. Temprid FX is mixed at 8ml to 16ml per gallon of water and can be applied to the exterior perimeter foundation, around windows, doors, where utilites enter the home, under the eaves of the roof and also to bushes, trees, shrubs, and lawn areas. View the full Temprid FX product label for more information.  Bait granules are not labeld for Spiders or Scoprions therefore will not have any affect on these pests. When treating Crickets with bait granules where you will also be applying insecticides such as lawns, in landscape beds, around ornamentals, etc, make sure you are not cross treating the same areas with both the liqud and the bait granules as this contaminates the bait and can affect the efficacy of the insecticide. Please review the product label for specific application sites for granule baits and adjust your treatment accordingly. 

Answer last updated on: 08/16/2021

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