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Brad from Jackson, Mississippi writes

At our lake house we have a problem with ticks (outside). I also have two Labs that also like to go to the

like to go to the lake. Bifin was recommended to me by a friend. May questions are 1. Is this a good product for ticks. 2. Is the liquid or granular more effective. 3. I read on the liquid that it is safe for animals after it dries--what if it rains and the grass is wait? Not sure how much you know about dogs but they will from time to time "self medicate" by eating certain grasses--is that a problem?


Bifen IT would be a good choice for tick control. We would recommend the liquid formulation for tick control because you can spray it on tall grasses and bushes where ticks are known to harbor (it is recommended that you spray the entire areas where ticks are known to harbor including the grass). Once Bifen IT is dry it is safe for the dogs to return to the treated area. Once dried, Bifen IT will not reconstitute so there is no need to worry about rain making it unsafe. The very small amount of diluted product a dog might eat if they ate some of the treated grass would be so minimal that it would simply pass through their system without causing any issues.

Answer last updated on: 05/16/2012

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