Bayleton 50 Fungicide WSP - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 questions)
  • Asked by Edward from San Martin, Ca
    Is Bayer Bayleton 50 Fungicide WSP effective in controlling Western gall rust in Monterey Pine trees?

    Bayer Bayleton 50 Fungicide WSP is one of the few fungicides labeled for Western gall rust (Endocronartium Harknessii). However, the product label does not indicate efficacy on this specific tree. Bayleton cannot be applied to pine seedlings or seed in nurseries in the State of California. This article from the USDA gives more information about control of this disease. We would also recommend speaking with your local Cooperative Extension or Ag Department for further recommendations in your area. 

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  • Asked by Steven from Prescott, Az
    Will Bayleton control- fungal pathogen Seiridium unicorne and fungal pathogen Botryosphaeria dothidea in Leyland cypress trees?

    Bayer Bayleton 50 Fungicide WSP is not labeled to treat for Seiridium unicorne and fungal pathogen Botryosphaeria dothidea. You may be interested in Docket DF for commercial treatment of Leyland Cypress Canker. 

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  • Asked by Steven from Rogers, Arkansas
    Amount of Bayleton 50 Fungicide WSP for 9 gallon spray tank? Treating bermuda decline.

    Bayleton 50 Fungicide WSP would be mixed at the rate of 1-2 oz per 1000 sqft for bermuda decline prevention and 2 oz for curative. For residential lawns you do not exceed 1.5 oz per 1000 sqft.  Apply the specified amount of BAYLETON 50 Turf and Ornamental Fungicide using 2 to 4 gal of spray per 1,000 sq ft for this specific disease.  This product is really more for larger areas that commercial companies would treat multiple lawns a day so it is not easy to break down into smaller amounts with the packets since they are pre-measured.

    So to accurately cover 18000 sqft you would need to use at least 36 gallons of water, not 9.  And use 18 oz of product which equals a little over 3 packets at the lower rate.  It might be best to break up the area in sections to apply so that you can use the right amount of water.  Even then you may need to spray with just water to ensure it is sufficient enough.

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  • Asked by Bi
    Can Bayleton 50 Fungicide WSP be used on guava or star fruit trees?

    No, Bayleton 50 Fungicide WSP is not labeled for use on any fruit trees.

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  • Asked by Olga from Fort Myers, Fl
    Is Bayleton 50 Fungicide WSP useful for treating rust in plumeria tree leaves as a soil drench application as the trees are over 15 ft tall?
    We in south Florida have approximately 12 plumeria trees some of which reach more than 15 feet tall. In late summer, the leaves start getting rust and soon thereafter the trees look terrible and start defoliating. Will this product help to prevent rust in plumeria leaves? The trees are too tall to spray so we are looking for a product that can be applied to the ground for root absorption by the tree.

    While the product label for Bayleton 50 Fungicide WSP does include rust control on certain types of ornamental shrubs and trees, however Plumeria is not included.  Additionally, this product has been discontinued by the manufacturer.

    Unfortunately, there is not a systemic fungicide listed for preventative control of Plumeria Rust and foliar applications are recommended as this disease typically only targets the leave surfaces and stems. While unappealing, this disease typically does not injure the tree.

    General maintenance and care should be be done throughout the year and in late fall/winter to help reduce favorable environments for the disease to develop. Dispose of fallen rust-infected leaves, and spray the ground under the tree in the winter with a copper fungicide, neem oil or horticultural oils during early stages of powdery mildew infection. 

    Using a fungicide such as Propiconazole or Myclobutanil is recommended in this article on Plumeria Rust by the Manoa Cooperative Extension Hawaii. 

    For local recommendations on treating Plumeria Rust, we would recommend contacting a local nursery or the Master Gardener at your local county extension office .

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