Bifen IT - Questions & Answers

Displaying 21 to 40 (of 666 questions)
  • Asked by Jacob from Port Charlotte Fl
    What's the best pesticide for me?
    My house is surrounded by woods and I live in a low lying area in sw Florida. I have spiders in and around my house, all sorts of different kinds, small, large, black, brown. Now that it is cooler we now have a very large quantity of ticks. I have a dog and I can't even take her out without 3-6 jumping on her just while she pees every single time. My only other problem is in the summer time it is very wet in my area and we get massive amounts of Mosquitoes. I would love to have a all in one pesticide but I'm willing to buy whatever I need to make my home livable again. I have a sprayer for my house and a large sprayer for my yard. Thank you for ur help
    Bifen is one of our number one products for spiders and mosquitoes. You can apply it indoors and out and after it has dried, rain will not wash it away. You want to re apply once every 30 days outdoors and every 2 months indoors.
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  • Asked by Ronnie from Greenville Bire, Ms
    Will Bifen IT kill army worms? Can it be applied to the grass?

    Yes, Bifen IT can be applied to lawns for control of armyworms. You will apply 0.18-0.25 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft. Please refer to the product label for full mixing and application instructions for treating armyworms (Pages 14-15). 

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  • Asked by Ufunni from Charlotte, Nc
    Will Bifen IT kill American cockroaches?
    I see one periodically, will this kill them if I spray around my house and inside?

    Yes, Bifen IT is labeled for roaches and will kill them. This product is not recommended if you have an active infestation of roaches. If you see an occasional roach, this can be used indoors and outdoors for control. The mixing ratio is 1 fl oz per gallon of water.

    Also, please check out our Roach Guide for tips on how to treat and prevent roaches.

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  • Asked by Jackie
    Can I use Bifen IT on fleas that are infesting the inside of our home?
    I see that Bifen IT works for fleas outside, but I don't see that it is recommended inside? I did notice that it doesn't stain carpet etc, so why don't they recommend it? Have I missed something?

    Bifen IT is labeled for cracks, crevices and wall voids only indoors, meaning that you could not spray it over carpeted areas or on furniture, the places that fleas are most likely to develop. Ultracide would be a great choice for indoor flea control. Ultracide contains both an insecticide to kill the active biting adult fleas and an IGR to help control developing flea eggs, larva and pupa. For most effective control, vacuum before treating and everyday for the next two weeks, be sure to change the bag or empty the reservoir immediately after vacuuming. A second treatment should be applied after 14 days.

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  • Asked by Mary
    When is it safe to let my puppy back into the yard after spraying for mosquitoes?
    You can let your puppy or any pet or child back into the treated areas once all the surfaces that were sprayed are completely dry. Normally this can take around 2 hours and after dried will be completely safe. 
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  • Asked by Tasha from Atlanta,ga
    How do I use a hose end sprayer to apply Bifen? At what rate do I apply? Where do I buy a hose end sprayer?
    I have about 9,000 sq feet to apply. I don't want to under or over saturate, so I am confused on to use a hose end sprayer.
    Bifen IT should be mixed and applied at one ounce per gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft. You will calibrate your hose end sprayer to disperse this amount.  You do not dilute the Bifen IT when putting it in the chamber on the hose end sprayer, you put the concentrate directly in the cannister and the tube automatically sucks up however much you have told it to on the dial and disperses it with each gallon that comes through the hose. The down side to using a hose end sprayer is it removes a lot of accuracy with your treatment and wont give you as thorough and even coverage as a hand pump or backpack sprayer would. Either sprayer you use, you will use 1 ounce per gallon of water. We carry a hose end sprayer and offer free shipping.
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  • Asked by Ray
    Bifen IT vs Bifen XTS?
    I use Bifen IT to pretreat swimming pool soil for Termites under liners I use .12% mix 2 3/4 gallons per 100 water? Would Bifen XTS be more cost effective? Any concerns with oil base on liners,plants, houses etc... I use for perimeter pest control. Any info much apprecated?
    Bifen XTS does not really make it that much better than the normal Bifen IT, its just that one quart container can make much more than the equivalent Bifen IT.  The normal mixture rate of Bifen IT is one ounce per gallon of water.  When using Bifen XTS, you only need about a third of an ounce to make the same treatment.  So you can make many more gallons of solution from one container of Bifen XTS than you can with the normal Bifen IT.  As far as we know, there should be no concerns with oil based solutions on pool liners or other surfaces. 
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  • Asked by Joye from Booneville, Ms
    What is the ratio of Bifen IT for a pint of water for fire ants?
    I need to spray for fire ants in my yard. The instructions are unclear. Please give me the proper ratio.

    Bifen IT should be mixed at 1 oz per gallon of water and sprayed 3 ft around a fire mound. You should also drench the mound by using sufficient force to break their apex and allow the insecticide solution to flow into the ant tunnels. For best results, apply in cool weather (65 - 80?F) or in early morning or late evening hours. The finished solution should also be broadcast over the lawn surface.

    Fire Ant Control Article

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  • Asked by Mike
    Bifen application when it's always raining
    I know it's always best to have 24 hours between application and the first rain, but in my area at this time of year it rains every single day. I'm sure that "more is better" is another safe generalization, but is there any more concrete guideline that you can offer? Would it be a waste to spray if it's going to rain in 2 hours? What about 4, 6, etc? Thanks again, love your service and products!

    Bifen IT typically only take 1 hour to completely dry on a surface and will hold up very well in the rain, but the longer time you can have between application and a rain event the better.  However, if a few hours is the best scenario then that is fine.  Hopefully, you are in a situation where at least up against the house you may have a slight overhang from the roof or gutters so the application on and directly next to the house will be somewhat protected.  Thank you for your kind comments about our products.  We appreciate your business!

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  • Asked by Edward
    Will Bifen IT kill bagworms?
    Yes, Bifen IT is labeled to kill bagworms.  Please read the product label for specific application instructions.
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  • Asked by Luanne from Kansas
    Will Bifen IT kill chiggers? How should it be applied in the yard?

    Yes, Bifen IT will kill chiggers and will work great when applied to areas where chiggers harbor. You will need to apply at a rate of 1 oz. to 1 gallon of water and focus your application on the unkept areas of the lawn and lawn edge. 

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  • Asked by Dan from Sligo, Pa
    Will Bifen IT kill flies?
    We live next to a farm and our outside porch and siding gets infested twice a year with flies. We need an effective low/no odor and non-staining solution & hope this will be it!
    Yes, Bifen It would be a great choice to treat flies. It dries clear and is odorless. You can apply the mixed solution to lawns, trees, shrubs, indoors. It has a long lasting residual. You may want to retreat during the fly season once every 30 days. Otherwise Bifen has a 3 month residual.
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  • Asked by Andrew from Fort Lauderdale, Fl
    What is the proper dilution for using Bifen IT for white fly and does that dilution differ for mosquitos?
    I have a 5 gallon sprayer if that helps. Also, white fly application will be on palm trees and other shrubs.
    When using Bifen IT you can use the same dilution rate for both mosquitoes and whiteflies. Use 1 oz of Bifen IT  per gallon of water. For both mosquitoes and whiteflies you want to make sure you are spraying the undersides of the leaves on trees and bushes as that is where these pests like to harbor.
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  • Asked by Josh from Florida
    Is it ok to Mix Bifenthrin and permethrin together also with a IGR (NyGuard) for a lawn application. To have
    the permethrin for the fast knockdown and the bifenthrin for longer residual and the IGR to break the flea and other life cycles. Or should I only use the bifenthrin. I dont want the two chemicals to work against each other and have negative results. Thanks

    We would not recommend mixing Bifenthrin and Permethrin together. The Bifenthrin mixed with an IGR is effective as well as mixing Permethrin with an IGR, such as NyGuard. Nyguard does have a residual for 4-5 months. With fleas, keep in mind that multiple applications are needed for them to be eradicated. After the first application, a follow up treatment should be done every 14 days until the fleas are gone.

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  • Asked by Poncho from Galesburg, Michigan
    Is Bifen IT harmful to chickens?
    I have 18 chickens that free range and I'm wondering if they will be ok if I use bifen it?
    As long as you keep chickens out of the area while applying Bifen I/T and until it has time to completely dry it should be safe for your chickens to return to that area. It also will not harm the chickens if they eat an insect that has died from the Bifen I/T treatment.
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  • Asked by Carla from Winnipeg, Manitoba
    We are surrounded with forest full of mosquitos
    Our house is surrounded by a many acres of forest filled with mosquitos. Is it worth buying this product - can we actually get some relief? And if so, what can we do or how we can go about achieving this?
    The Bifen IT would be an excellent option for mosquito control. As you know, with that heavy of a wooded area around you, you wont be able to completely eliminate the entire population, but you can certainly bring it down to a tolerable level when you can enjoy your yard again. We highly recommend if you want the most control out of this heavily mosquito populated area, mix NyGuard IGR with your first spray of Bifen IT. The NyGuard is birth control for the bugs in the area and will make a huge dent in knocking back the activity. By stopping the mosquito reproduction, you get a much better grip on the problem than just killing the ones that land on a surface treated with an insecticide. You will typically mix 1 ounce of Bifen IT and 4-8 ml of NyGuard IGR per gallon of water. Focus on the areas that are most dense in foliage and tend to stay the most moist and shaded. Spray the undersides of leaves of bushes and trees as these are prime breeding areas for the mosquitoes. The Bifen will last roughly 30 days outdoors and the NyGuard should last up to 5 months. If you feel the NyGuard is needed again before the 5 month period you are welcome to spray it again with the Bifen. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
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  • Asked by Don
    Japense Beetles and Spider Mites
    I am looking to kill Japanese Beetles and spider mites. Is this the best product?
    Bifen IT is a great product for both of those pests as well as many others.  Bifen IT is one of our most popular products and can be used both indoors and outside.  Just keep in mind that Bifen IT cannot be used on vegetable gardens or fruit bearing trees or anything you plan on eating. 
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  • Asked by Iii
    Is Bifen IT honey bee friendly? Can it be used near a honey bee hive?

    Bifen IT will kill honey bees if they come in contact with the treated area and/or are sprayed directly. It is recommended that you spray in the areas you are wanting to treat when the bees are not actively foraging. A better option would be to use Mavrik Perimeter. There is no lingering odor or visible residue, and when dry, it is non toxic and non repellent to honey bees.

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  • Asked by Malisa from Gatesville, Tx
    How long does it take Bifen IT to kill fleas?
    I sprayed yesterday and my dogs are covered again and I too get covered when I walk outside.

    Bifen IT is not a contact kill product, it is a residual product that can take a few day to start killing the fleas or other insects that you are treating for.  You need to give the product time to do what its designed for.  If the infestation of fleas is extensive then you may treat again after 7-14 days.  It is recommened to treat your dog, as well as treat the inside of your home.  Continue to clean, wash and vaccum daily till the infestation is under control. Please take a few moments to review our Flea Treatment Guide for more information.

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  • Asked by Roger from Grimesland, Nc
    Will Bifen eradicate fire ants?

    Bifen IT is labeled for fire ant control and will help help eliminate fire ants when used as directed on the Bifen It product label: Fire Ant control is optimized by combining broadcast applications that will control foraging workers and newly mated fly-in queens with mound drenches that will control existing colonies. If the soil is not moist, then it is important to irrigate before application or use a high volume application. Apply broadcast treatments at 0.5 to 1 fluid oz. per 1,000 square feet. Use enough finished volume to penetrate thatch or sod. Treat mounds by applying 1 oz Bifen IT per mound in 1 to 2 gallons water by sprinkling the mound until it is wet and treat 3 feet out around the mound. Use the higher volume for mounds larger than 12”. Treat mounds with sufficient force to break their apex and allow the insecticide solution to flow into the ant tunnels. For best results, apply in cool weather (65 - 80˚F) or in early morning or late evening hours.

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Displaying 21 to 40 (of 666 questions)