Customer Reviews for Bifen IT

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4.7 of 5 stars
(1575 customer reviews)
Bifen IT

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Displaying 31 to 60 (of 1575 reviews)
  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Bifen IT - Quart

    By Betty on 07/22/2014

    I am very disappointed in this product due to the fact that it did not rid my infestation of Springtails. I used it around the perimeter of my house and still am finding Springtails in my basement.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    Springtails are a very difficult pest to treat because they multiply quickly and are often found in very large numbers. While the Bifen IT will kill springtails that come into contact with the direct spray or dried residual, the key to fighting springtails is to alter the environment to eliminate the breeding site and food source. This usually only happens when a moisture buildup issue is corrected. We are happy to discuss possible solutions over the phone, although there is generally not a quick way to eliminate springtails or to fix the environmental conditions that favor them.

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    29 of 32 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bifen IT is Great!

    By Mike on 11/01/2010

    Verified Purchase

    Bifen IT. I had a real problem with bagworms on my arborvitae and cedar trees. I sprayed Bifen on May 1st, June 1st, July 1st and August in reading you really don't know when they hatch. My shrubs and trees are healthy and I haven't seen one new bagworm.

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    27 of 30 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bifen is a Miracle

    By Kim on 08/07/2010

    Bifen is amazing! After attempting to no avail to combat the gazillion mosquitos in our 3 acre backyard so we could enjoy the pool with an electric mosquito magnet and cans of Off spray, we heard about it from our pool service guy. I bought the qt. size from and only 3 oz later we have literally been mosquito free for a full week so far. We sit out at the pool for a full 10 hrs. per day with no Off spray and have disconnected the magnet. Still no mosquitos. Even the night flying bugs are gone. Fewer bugs to skim in the pool everyday. We've recommended Bifen to everyone we know.

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    23 of 23 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Scorpions - GONE!

    By Michael on 12/11/2013

    We here in Texas deal with scorpions on a daily basis. I originally purchased Bifen I/T to control grasshoppers but after reading the booklet I realized I had just what I needed to be able to walk in the house barefooted again. I treated the house and yard per instructions and have not seen a scorpion in three months. We killed as many as 8 scorpions a day, in the house prior to Bifen I/T. I won't be without Bifen I/T ever again.

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    21 of 21 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Kills Bark Scorpions

    By Alex on 05/21/2014

    A friend of mine recommended this product for my scorpion problem,so I tried it and it does work.After spraying my yard I waited till the scorpions came out and watched the effects,and it works quickly,but kills slowly depending on the size of the scorpion.Small die faster than the larger ones.You will know it is affecting them as soon as they begin to either race aroung or continue to back up and sting at everything(including themselves)and this is when you should keep your distance.As an added bonus it also takes out the Black Widows as well,so I will continue using Bifen IT to control the unwanted pests.

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    20 of 20 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Insecticide

    By Chris on 09/11/2014

    I've been buying the same 3 insecticides from Lowes (Houston), even rotating my spraying weeks to control mosquitoes. I'm sure it worked for awhile but we have had a lot of mosquitoes around. I bought this 4 weeks ago, sprayed at the 0.06% (1 oz / gal) and have had no issues in my backyard around the pool and fish pond. Every couple days a dead roach or spider appears so I know its working. I just need to get my neighbors to use it in the cul-de-sac and we will all be set. Great Stuff!! I'm a Master Chemist so I should know.

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    20 of 21 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Vince on 03/22/2015

    Excellent results. Been using it for years. Kills everything including scorpions.

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    20 of 20 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Not very effective

    By Lee on 09/26/2010

    Verified Purchase

    We have ticks and mosquitos that I've been treating with Cutter Bug Free Backyard hose end spray but at a cost of $40 every month, I decided to give this a try based on the reviews. Product was easy to use and apply with a new sprayer I purchased. I applied according to instructions on the bottle but three days later, we still had lots of mosquitos so I did a second application. I was sure to spray turf, bushes, undersides of leaves, mulch, etc. I even sprayed into my neighbors' yards. The second application worked better, but we are still seeing more mosquitos than when I used the Cutter product. I'm not giving up though and purchased another bottle and will try again soon.

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    19 of 24 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works for me!

    By Kira on 11/12/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I would recommend Bifen to my family and friends. Oh wait, I do. *haha!* I live in south Texas, in Corpus, and have used this product for years. It states up to 3months with no critters but I've experiences at least 6months without any critters. We don't really have a rainy season as most people think and it is mostly humid here where the concrete and steal buildings are sweating so I've been able to use Bifen on the exterior of my house and property, and the product works just as well outside as in. I give Bifen I/T more stars but five is the most I can give here.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Jeremy on 06/12/2015

    I'd like to preface this by saying I very rarely write a review about anything, but I feel compelled after using this for about 2 years now. It absolutely demolishes the mosquito and woodtick population. I live in northern MN. I have about 2.5 acres of "yard" and mix 1/2 to 3/4 oz/gallon in my ATV sprayer. I broadcast spray the yard and then go around the perimeter with the wand. Reduces the mosquito population by 95% or more when mixed 1/2 oz/gallon and sprayed at 5 mph with 14 ft swath. I imagine I could achieve 99%-100% if I applied a greater concentration/acre. I've worked all day in the yard with zero ticks and mosquitoes, then spent the next day working in the tall grass where I didn't spray, and found myself covered in ticks and swatting mosquitoes all day. Impressively effective.

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    19 of 21 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Mistblower with Bifen update

    By Mike on 10/22/2011

    I reviewed this product earlier upon my first application with a Mistblower (Stihl SR450) and just wanted to update everyone as to how well this product is working for me. I'm typically doing my spraying monthly on my 1/2 acre lot. I'm mixing 8oz of Bifen with 3.5 gallons of water and typically using setting "1" (lowest application volume) on the mistblower. I'm using more Bifen than typically recommended because of the low volume of the application (which gets me appropriate coverage without having the reload the mistblower). Anyway, the results are, simply put, shocking. I've gone from "unable to be outside around dusk because of gnats" to "unable to coax a gnat onto my property". They are just gone; which, in my book, is the best you could ever hope for with a pesticide! And it's so inexpensive on a per treatment basis, I've got no worries about the cost of maintaining this level of pest control. I'm still getting 1000s of dead bugs falling into my pool for a few days after treatment, not the best situation, but not the product's fault! Finally, one final nice side effect is that I have to spray much less inside now. I'm using the mistblower and the Bifen outside the house, and it seems to be keeping the bugs from entering the property at all. In short, Bifen and a mistblower are an incredible combination. If you need to take your yard back from biting nasties, this certainly would be my recommended technique!

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    18 of 18 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Mosquito Control

    By Bob on 06/18/2014

    Used Bifen to control mosquitoes in my yard and it worked better than expected or anticipated. Used 1 oz./gal and got great results.

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    17 of 17 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bifen I/T kills chinch bugs in St. Augustine lawns

    By John on 04/19/2010

    I am a homeowner who has been taking care of my own lawn for thirteen years. I have used Bifen I/T to control chinch bugs in my St. Augustine lawn in central Florida (Tampa area) for a year now. It has kept the chinch bugs under control and I have not had damage. I have used other granular products purchased at retail stores over the years and they aren't as effective. Unfortunately, the chinch bugs seem to grow immune to those products after constant use. I first used Bifen I/T that I had purchased at a local nursery. It worked very well. My confidence grew with this product when I found out that my neighbor's professional pest control company uses the exact same product. My neighbor had NO chinch bug damage that entire season. One day I came across DOMYOWNPESTCONTROL while online and couldn't believe how much cheaper it was than my local nursery. I could buy a quart at DOMYOWN for the same price as a pint at the nursery. I received the product within three days with free shipping. I had a great experience with DOMYOWNPESTCONTROL and I highly recommend them. I have already recommended them to my neighbors. FYI, read the label of Bifen I/T on how many other pest it kills. I plan on using it for indoor pest control as well.

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    16 of 18 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bifen IT - 3/4 Gallon

    By Ralph on 04/04/2012

    I have a half open/enclosed patio, spiders haven! I sprayed top to bottom using .05 to 1gal mix Bifen IT and the spiders left in 1 day. By day 2 were enjoying the patio. I have sprayed the foundation of the house-using the video recommendations up 3 feet and out 3 feet, around the windows, door sills, trimmed the hedges 6 inches from the house. no more spiders in the house! we have two dogs. I finished spaying our yard two weeks ago to control flea and tics...Fantastic product!! Fast delivery service, excellent on line tech service, thank You for your help.

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    16 of 17 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Excellent control

    By Bean on 09/12/2010

    I purchased this product to control mosquitoes that were rampant this year. We couldn't step out of the house without literally being attacked by them. I had tried other insecticides bought at local retailers, with some success, but Bifen IT eliminated them instantly. When inspecting the damage I caused these critters the next day I noted as a plus it was also killing the ants, spiders, earwigs and some sort of beetle I had been seeing around the house as well. Shipping from was fast and the Q&A section on their products was very informative.

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    14 of 16 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Poof, I am a professional exterminator!!!!

    By Kenny on 07/09/2012

    I have been using Bifen IT (Talstar) for more than five years. I friend of mine who was having problems with spiders and camel pack crickets shared his secret for their eradication. This is the same product that professional exterminators use for treating soil around new foundations for termites. It's the same product sold in the big box hardware stores in gallon containers with a spray attachment that you might pay upwards to $10 for. Put an ounce to the gallon of this concentrate into your home sprayer and save lots of money. Slightly diluted versions are great for house plants which become infested with pests.

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    12 of 12 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Japanese Beetle Wipeout

    By Arthur on 06/30/2010

    Bifen IT worked great on the beetle infestation we have every year. We have tried many different chemicals and natural remedies to no avail. Bifen is the answer for us. Also did a great job on all other pests.

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    11 of 14 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    High Success Rate

    By Chris on 08/03/2011

    I have been fighting billbugs for about 10 years now, and have tried everything from the big box stores. None of it has really worked. I ordered this product as a last resort before just giving up. It was the best thing I ever did for my bug problem. I sprayed my lawn and about a half hour later went out do some other work and saw a fair amount of billbugs trying to get out of my lawn. Had never seen this before. I also sprayed around the house and in front of the garage door. The next morning there were about a dozen different critters belly up, in front of the garage door. While spraying the lawn I noticed a grasshopper issue starting in my flower beds. Sprayed in there and haven't seen 1 grasshopper since. Honestly, and it has been about a month now. To try and eleminate my problem I power raked and pulled out a 1000 pounds of thatch, a couple weeks later. My thinking was those that survived the first spray wouldn't survive this time. Since then I have not seen a billbug alive. I have been on my hands and knees a few times since spraying and haven't seen any bugs and my lawn is trying to make a come back. I would also like to mention that I have dogs and just followed instructions of letting product dry before letting them on lawn. No issues with the animals.

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    11 of 11 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Awesome Stuff

    By Corey on 04/25/2012

    I called the local pest control place to come out and do my yard last year because they had excellent reviews and had a reputation of being the best. They showed up and started spraying. As he worked his way around back, I took a look to see what was in the back of his truck that he had just mixed into the giant tank in the back of his truck. This is the stuff they use that yielded such amazing results. I paid him his $180, went online and ordered this and a backpack sprayer (will review that next). Grand total of about $140-$150 I had enough to do my house, my sisters house, and my two rental properties for atleast a year or two to come. The quart bottle yields 32-96 gallons of mix, which makes this stuff cost as little as $0.25 per gallon. Hard to beat.

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    11 of 11 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    does not get rid of Mosquitoes

    By Kay on 05/28/2012

    Verified Purchase

    I have never been so disappointed in anything I have ever bought before. I have used over 1/2 of the bottle and stronger than required in my small yard and stronger on my deck. Sitting on my deck and I have mosquito bites as bad or worse than I have ever hand before. So glad it worked for others cause it sure has not for me. I will not recomend these products to anyone.

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    11 of 29 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Water Bugs Be Gone

    By Very on 05/09/2013

    Verified Purchase

    I have been trying to get rid of water bugs for two years with boric acid , it was ok but not good enough . One day when I was on line , I typed in how to get of water bugs and DMOPC was one of the website that popped up. I read the reviews some good some not but enough was good and the price was right so I decided it could not hurt to give it a try . I watched the video on how to spray the product and did just that . I must say I am very very happy with Bifen IT , If a water bug get into my house by the time I see it it's dead , I see insects dead all the time on the outside including Bumble Bees . I spray every three months and I tell anyone about it that has a insect problem .The price is great and the product goes a long way . I will continue to use this product . If you have a insect problem give it a try but the one thing I did learn is you have to measure the correct amount of Bifen to the correct amount of water . Just because I can't stand water bugs I always mix the highest dose which is 1 oz Bifen to 1 gallon of water . I hope anyone that decides to use this product have great results like I did . Thanks a million DMOPC

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    11 of 11 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bifen IT- "Great Product"

    By G on 04/23/2012

    Verified Purchase

    A couple of days after receiving my order of Bifen IT I had a really bad day with flies and small spiders all over the exterior of my home & shop. Sprayed a mixture of 1oz. per gallon on the entire exterior surface of both buildings with special attention to doorways and it is now 10 days later and no sign of flies or spiders. Occasionally a fly will land but will immediately move on. Great product!! Am curious to see how long the effect will last. It's already been worth the price.

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    10 of 10 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars


    By Dave on 05/07/2012

    I've used Cynoff WP for about 10 yrs with great results but a coworker showed me this product on this site and I thought I'd try it. With my experience with Cynoff, it's an instant kill and the barrier lasts 2-3 months. But with Bifen it is a delayed kill and the barrier hardly lasts a week or two. What a waste. I would not recommend it.

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    10 of 19 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    My fault, but....

    By Sue on 07/27/2012

    I should have done a more thorough investigation, this pesticide can't be used around veggies. That's why I bought it. I was looking at Permethrin when a website suggested that Bifen was a good and more efficient alternative. So I bought a whole 3/4 gallon of the stuff and now can't use it. It really would have been nice if this website had noted on the product description that it's specifically not for use in veggie gardens.

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    10 of 27 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    The best & cheapest mosquito killer product ever made!

    By C on 05/18/2011

    I bought Bifen IT last year and my mosquito problem is over! I have tried many other products that were ineffective in killing mosquitoes. I live in NW Florida. I sprayed Bifen IT at 4 pm one day & at 8 pm I went outside and only saw one mosquito fly by me acting disoriented & confused! Before, if I went out at night, the skeeters would eat me alive. I spray Bifen IT on my home, fences, & trees, all around the borders of my property, creating a barrier. Bifen also kills ants, roaches, and fleas, which Florida seems to have so many of. I HIGHLY recommend Bifen IT to everyone!

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    9 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bye, bye clover mites (and ants)

    By Carrie on 05/29/2011

    The first spring in our new house brought with it tiny red bugs crawling all over our concrete patio in the back yard. I'd never seen this insect before, but Internet research revealed them to be clover mites. Mites? Ew. My husband found this website and bought the Bifen IT. The fact that it's Eco-friendly made me very happy, but even better was the fact that it worked! After one application, the mighty mites weren't so mighty, and as a bonus the small army of ants parading around under our feet disappeared as well. Now we use it once a month or so to keep all the nasty critters at bay. Thank you for such a great product!

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    9 of 11 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works well

    By Jake on 07/26/2011

    Haven't seen any springtails or ants since I have sprayed all the windows and around the outside of the house. Will definitely be using this every summer.

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    9 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Bifen IT

    By Paige on 09/24/2012

    Well, someone recommended it for fleas, but after I used it and they used doesn't work very well for that, but it killed everything else. LOL And your staff recommended to me NOT to use it for that, so they were CORRECT. Yes, I feel foolish. The company's help and fast delivery was awesome. Thank you for being available.

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    9 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    absolutely deadly

    By Pete on 06/13/2014

    This is the generic version of talstar, works GREAT....this is the nuclear weapon of pest control...this is the end....if you spray this and it doesnt kill bugs, run fast because they must be super beings..... But seriously it works has a docile white milky appearance...but dont be fooled..treat this chemical with lots of respect and follow the label. Long sleeve shirt..eye protection..and careful spraying. I sprayed it and thought "man this aint gonna do nothin" ....came back the next day...hundreds of dead ants...spiders...centipedes...mosquitos........ Kills bugs DEAD

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    9 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bifen for mosquitoes

    By John on 06/17/2014

    This year has been the worst for mosquitoes in my small orchard. Tried soap and fruit tree spray with no effect. Applied Bifen as directed in the smaller dose of 1 oz per gal, and after spraying, the next evening the 1000 or more mosquitoes were gone and have stayed away for a week. I still have half of my starting 2 gallons left. Thanks

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    9 of 11 people found this review helpful

Displaying 31 to 60 (of 1575 reviews)