Bird Barrier Birdwire Stainless Steel Wire

Bird Barrier Birdwire Stainless Steel Wire

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Product Overview

The Bird Barrier Birdwire Stainless Steel Wire is a stainless steel material coated with U.V. - stabilized clear nylon.  It is part of a birdwire system that is perfect for pigeons, gulls and other larger birds. It protects against light to medium pressure and is very hard to see even from a distance. It's perfect to use on a variety of surfaces including perapet caps, signs, wide ledges, and spanish tile caps.  The wire is attached to stainless steel posts and tensioned using springs

Wire should be installed not more than 1 inch from the edge of the ledge. If you will require additionalk posts, they should not be more than 3 inches apart from each other. The back post must be no more than 3 inches from the back wall. The wires should also alternate in height between 3.5 and 5 inches. The stainless posts that secure the wires should be no more than 5 feet apart running down the length of the ledge. Each birdwire section must be no more than 10 feet long, and every other post the wire must be terminated and a new wire started.  A spring must be installed in each 10 foot section. 

The Bird Barrier Birdwire Stainless Steel Wire can be securely installed in two ways. You can use Anchor Rivets on stones, concrete and some wood surfaces. You can also secure the wire by using Glue-on-Bases and Bird Barrier Bond on surfaces like  sheet metal, steel, tile, wood, or wherever drilling is not an option. Once the wire is securely installed and tensioned correctly, it should be very hard to push down the ledge.  The wire is attached to the posts using the Birdwire SpringsBirdwire Crimps and Crimp Tool or pliers.  *See the video below for detailed installation instructions.  

Options are 250 ft., 500 ft. or 1,000 ft. rolls.

Features and Specs

Target pests Pigeons and Larger Birds
For use in Long, Exposed Ledges, Parapets, Signs, Beams, Pipes and others
Material / Construction Nylon coated stainless steel
Warranty Five years against debilitating corrosion and ultraviolet degradation.
Shipping Weight 0.30 lbs
Manufacturer Bird Barrier (Mfg. Number: bw-w010)


Birdwire is Very Discreet

The Birdwire system is one of the least visible of all ledge products, and is frequently used on high-visibility ledges where aesthetics are important.

How Birdwire Works

Nylon-coated, spring-tensioned stainless steel wire is attached to stainless steel posts at differing heights and intervals. The posts are secured to masonry using nylon anchor rivets (requires drilling into the surface) or glue-on bases.

Birdwire offers a Variety of Options

The posts are available in various sizes and many different brackets and clamps allow installation on otherwise hard-to-protect surfaces like sprinkler pipes, rain gutters and I-beams. Stainless steel split pins can be used to install the system inside window reveals.

Birdwire is Totally Humane

Harmless to birds or humans alike.

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