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Robyn from Golden Valley, Mn writes

Can I apply Weed Beater Ultra to grass that is dry due to drought? Wanting to treat Creeping Charlie prior to winter and we just had a frost in the areas?


Generally, summer broadcast applications of Bonide Weed Beater Ultra to older, drought stressed weeds are less effective . Adequate soil moisture when making spring and fall applications is preferred.  Per the product label : Extremes in environmental conditions, e.g. temperature and moisture, soil conditions, and cultural practices may affect the activity of this product. Under warm moist conditions, herbicide symptoms may be accelerated. While under very dry conditions, the expression of herbicide symptoms is delayed, and weeds hardened off by drought are less susceptible to this product.

Answer last updated on: 10/09/2022

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Bonide Weed Beater Ultra

Bonide Weed Beater Ultra

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