Product Q&A

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Amanda writes

Can CB-80 be used to treat bed bugs on upholstered furniture, such as a sofa?

I have a microfiber sofa that appears to be infested with bed bugs. Can I spray CB-80 directly onto the sofa in the tufts and folds to kill the bedbugs?


You can use CB-80 to kill bedbugs on your sofa in areas that you will not be coming into direct contact with later. For instance, it would be okay to spray the underside (pull off the dust cover and treat the interior of the sofa where the bedbugs are likely to harbor), under cushions and interior seams and fabric folds. Spray a small inconspicuous area to test for staining. It is important to note that CB-80 does not offer residual control, so bedbugs need to be sprayed directly for best results.

Answer last updated on: 01/02/2011

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