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Corey from Brea, Ca writes

Can Fusilade II be used to help kill off common bermudagrass in a lawn prior to total turfgrass renovation?

I plan to make two or more broadcast applications of Fusilade II + a wetting agent to my current lawn mainly consisting of tall fescue and bermuda grass in order to kill off the bermuda. I want to make sure this is a intended purpose of this chemical. (Glyphosate will be applied separate to kill of the fescue.)


Fusilade II is one product we carry that specifies that it will suppress Bermuda in tall fescue lawns. It also goes on to say that this type of application should not be made to home lawns, though. The best time to apply to fescue for suppression of bermudagrass is in spring just as the bermudagrass is sprouting green stems.  Monterey Turflon Ester Herbicide is another option that does not have the restriction for home lawns.  We want to be clear that bermuda can be suppressed, but it is VERY difficult to kill completely.  It will take multiple treatments to finally kill it. You must wait at least 14 days after applications of Fusilade to established turf areas before reseeding. For bare ground applications, wait at least 30 days.

Answer last updated on: 01/05/2018

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Fusilade II Herbicide

Fusilade II Herbicide

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