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Amy from Derby, Kansas writes

Can Nuvan ProStrips be used in large storage totes and stored in a bedroom closet as long as the contents inside the tote and the tote itself are sealed shut? Storing totes with Nuvan strips

If I use Nuvan strips in a large storage tote, duct taped shut, and then sealed inside a 4 mil thick plastic bag also duct taped shut - would it be safe to store these totes in a bedroom closet? The bedroom in question is used for sleeping, but I'm not seeing clear instructions on if it is safe for humans or pets to be around the strips if they are in securely sealed inside something.


Yes, Nuvan ProStrips would be safe to use in totes stored in bedrooms or closets where people will sleep as long as the vapors are contained/sealed inside. 

Answer last updated on: 10/09/2023

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Nuvan ProStrips

Nuvan ProStrips

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