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Dennis from Bridgman Mi. writes

Can Sencor 75% Turf Herbicide be used around grapes for weed control?


Sencor 75% is not labelled for use on grapes or any other edibles. Hi-Yield Grass Killer is labelled for use to control grassy weeds around grapes in general, but the pre-harvest interval for that application is 50 days.   Another option would be Grass Out Max which can be used around non-bearing grape vines (no fruit for at least one year after application). Otherwise, you would need to spot-treat carefully using a non-selective herbicide such as Avenger or Axxe


Answer last updated on: 01/18/2022

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Sencor 75% Turf Herbicide

Sencor 75% Turf Herbicide

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