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Hal from Monroe, Ga. 30656 writes

can I spray barricade over my daylily garden and not do them harm?

I will use a tractor 3 point hitch 50 gallon sprayer --- what amount of Barricade? The garden is approximately 1200 square feet in size. Can I also spray this over my 1/2 acre vegetable garden?


Barricade is labeled to be used around Day-lilies but you cannot use it around edible vegetation. The amount of Barricade per 1,000 sq ft of area that needs to be treated will vary from 0.37-0.83 oz./1,000 sq ft (1-2.25 TBSP/1,000 sq ft) depending on the weeds you are trying to control. You can apply the specified amount of product in whatever amount of water you need to use to insure the product is distributed over the 1,000 sq ft area. Please read the Barricade product label for complete usage instructions.

Answer last updated on: 11/08/2012

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Barricade 65 WDG Herbicide

Barricade 65 WDG Herbicide

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