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Morgan from Harrodsburg writes

Can STUF-FIT Copper Mesh be used around dryer hose?

There are 3 holes in my apartment (House was built in 1800's and now has 4 apartments) that mice are getting into.. Can this be used around the hose that runs from my dryer to the dryer vent outside? I've tried traps, glue boards and peppermint oil and I'm about to lose my mind over it.. With the house being so old and not mine, I don't want to do too much or possibly do any damage


It depends on the size of the holes.  STUF-FIT Copper Mesh works best in holes and cracks around 2 inches in diameter. Larger holes should be repaired and sealed permanently.  You should either cement the stuffit in place or typically you would at least use an expandable foam in the crack or gap which will hold the stuff-it in place and prevent it from easily being pulled out.

Answer last updated on: 02/06/2019

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STUF-FIT Copper Mesh

STUF-FIT Copper Mesh

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