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Shuang from Scotch Plains, Nj writes

Can Tenacity Herbicide be used to treat poa annua, clover, etc in my lawn that is a mix of bermuda and fescue? Wanting the best and most effective weed killer for my needs?


Tenacity Herbicide is labeled safe for fescue lawns however can ONLY be applied to bermuda turfgrass when it is dormant without the risk of injury. Tenacity can be used for pre and post emergent (with Non Ionic Surfactant) control of clover but will only suppress poa annua, it will not fully control it. Since poa annua and cool season grasses are so closely related, there are few products that will kill the poa annua without also harming the lawn. For Poa Annua in cool season turfgrasses, we recommend a spot-treat with a Roundup-type product and then reseed with the desirable grass type in those areas. Applying a pre emergent like Pendulum 2G or Dimension 2EW in late fall and early spring to prevent weeds like poa annua, clover, crabgrass, and many other grassy and broadleaf weeds from germinating is also helpful.  Please view our Lawn Care Schedule Calendar for more information. 


Answer last updated on: 08/08/2021

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Tenacity Herbicide

Tenacity Herbicide

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