Product Q&A

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Ali writes

Can this product be used with caustic? Can the tip produce foam?

I am seeking a 3-5 gallon sprayer/foamer for applying caustic soda and caustic degreasers on kitchen exhausts, hoods, ducts, and fans.


The Chapin 22360 Viton Cleaner/Degreaser can be used with most caustic cleaners/degreasers. This model does not work as a foamer. We do carry a foamer, Chapin Poly Foamer - 1 Gallon (#2658). To find out for sure if the cleaner/degreaser is safe for these models you should contact the manufacturer: Chapin 800-444-3140. Be sure to have the product MSDS available.

Answer last updated on: 12/20/2010

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