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Troy from Concordia, Mo writes

Can I use dial and spray sprayer with Quinclorac 75 DF to spray entire yard?

If so, what sprayer setting?


Quinclorac 75 DF is not recommended to be used in a hose end sprayer. The first thing you need to know when using an herbicide  is that the exact amount of water you dilute it with is not important. It is only important to make sure you are using the correct amount of product per 1,000 sq ft of lawn. Use too much and you risk damaging your lawn, use too little and you will not get adequate results.  To decide how much water you want to use, you should mark a 1,000 sq ft area, fill your sprayer with water ONLY, and start walking and spraying just as if you were doing the actual application of herbicide. When you are done walking and spraying the 1,000 sq ft area note how much water it took you to spray that area, and that is the amount you will want to mix for each 1,000 sq ft area that needs to be treated. You will need to make sure treated areas are irrigated with at least 1/2 inch of water (either by rainfall or by sprinkler) following the application. 

Answer last updated on: 08/25/2017

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Quinclorac 75 DF Herbicide

Quinclorac 75 DF Herbicide

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