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Kim from Philippines writes

Can i use malathion on my puppy?

I bought malathion (57% emulsifiable concentrate). Base on the direction for use it was written that i can use it for dogs (1 gallon water= 3 tbsp malathion). But i'm scared to use it. I just want to make sure if its safe for my pet.


Malathion is NOT labeled for use on any animals. This product is only labled for certain insects on plants, fruits and vegetables and specifically states that it is harmful to animals. Please refer to the product label for how to use it in the proper areas only. If you are looking for a product safe to use on your pet for flea control, you could use Tengard SFR which has a very low dilution that is safe to be used on pets by either wiping it on with a towel or using it carefully as a dip.

Answer last updated on: 06/10/2013

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Malathion 57%

Malathion 57%

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