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Alan from Las. Vegas, Nv writes

Can I use MSM Turf to kill off perennial rye grass overseed in Bermuda grass sod?

I sodded my backyard (1,500 sf) with bemuda grass (tifway 419) was that had been over seeded with prg around Thanksgiving. I want to kill off the prg to allow better transition of the Bermuda coming out of dormancy. What is the best time to do this? And how much product would be used in a 2 gallon battery sprayer?


Yes, MSM Turf Herbicide would a good option for eliminating the rest of your overseeded rye and any winter weeds that may be emerging in order to allow the bermudgrass in your yard to thrive. If the bermuda is dormant you can go ahead and treat now. You would use between 0.5 to 1 oz per acre for rye control in bermuda. This comes out to about 0.0227 oz per 1000 sq/ft in 1-2 gallons of water. 

Answer last updated on: 02/18/2019

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MSM Turf Herbicide

MSM Turf Herbicide

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