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Phil from Raleigh, Nc writes

Can I use Quali-Pro 2-D Herbicide in a hose end sprayer or would a pump sprayer be preferred? I have a 2 gal pump sprayer. What would be the ratio to use with this option?


The Quali-Pro 2-D Herbicide application rates vary depending on the type of weeds you are trying to control per the product label.  Typically it is not recommended to apply in a hose end sprayer as the rate is per area not per gallon of water.  You would use 0.37 to 0.74 fl oz per 1000 sqft in however much water it takes to cover the area.

Answer last updated on: 07/10/2018

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Quali-Pro 2-D Herbicide

Quali-Pro 2-D Herbicide


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