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David from Evansville, Indiana writes

Can we use GrazonNext HL Herbicide around our lake?

Will it harm fish?


GrazonNext HL Herbicide is only labeled for use in the following locations: Range-land, Permanent Grass Pastures, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres and Wildlife Management areas. It should not be applied by a lake as it is toxic to aquatic invertebrates and may be toxic to fish. Drift or runoff may adversely affect aquatic invertebrates and nontarget plants. You could use a product like Rodeo Herbicide as it is labeled for use in and around ponds, streams, lakes and other bodies of water including bodies of water that are located in wildlife habitats. 

Answer last updated on: 11/20/2018

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GrazonNext HL Herbicide

GrazonNext HL Herbicide

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