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Joaquin from Miami, Florida writes

Can you apply Demand SC directly to a bed (mattress) where humans sleep?

Friend has fleas/ticks in her house she wants to know if it's safe to apply it to her bed because she sleeps with her dog.


No, Demand CS  is NOT labeled for applications to mattresses where humans sleep directly for your safety. NyGuard Plus is labeled for ticks and fleas and it can be applied to the mattress. Spray only surfaces that cannot be laundered or dry-cleaned including mattresses and upholstered furniture. Apply on mattresses as a spot treatment to mattress seams, edges, buttons, and tufts of bed only. Do not use directly on pillows, bed linens, or cloths. Do not saturate the mattress and do not treat entire surface area of the mattress. Allow mattress to dry thoroughly before replacing pillows and/or bed linens. You will wash and dry linens in heat to eradicate any present fleas or ticks and allow the product to completely dry prior to making the bed. Please take a few moments to review our How to Get Rid of Fleas and How to Get Rid of Ticks articles for more detailed information. 

Answer last updated on: 01/02/2019

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Demand CS Insecticide

Demand CS Insecticide

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