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Marion writes

I can't get the Chapin Poly Foamer #2659 and Profoam foaming concentrate to foam.

I mixed 1/2 gal of warm water to 1 1/2 cups Timbor to 1 1/2 oz. Profoam foaming concentrate.


We have never had an issue with the Chapin Poly Foamer (#2659) not foaming. Did you shake up the foamer vigorously after mixing everything in the foamer? You need to shake it to activate the foaming solution.  Also, since you are using a powder which is harder to mix sometimes it is usually recommended to mix the powder and water in a separate container first, such as a bucket, and then pour it in the foamer with the solution and shake well to activate. You may want to add a little more foaming solution also.

Answer last updated on: 07/14/2010

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