Customer Reviews for Cy-Kick CS

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4.7 of 5 stars
(536 customer reviews)
Cy-Kick CS

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Cy-Kick Arizona

    By Earl on 03/11/2011

    Verified Purchase

    Please listen. Read. Most bugs die by ingestion. Try not to make too much of it. When a cockroach walks through a poison and then later as they ALWAYS do clean their body parts the poison is now in their system. Cy-Kick is different. I live in a suburb of Phoenix and Holy &%#& the bark scorpions are out of control. They will live through anything because they NEVER NEVER clean themselves. This Cy-Kick is the first and for the time being the only pesticide that will penetrate their hard shell. It really is amazing. I work in a blue-collar aircraft hanger and we group together and buy a large amount at one time. The stuff is amazing. My job is to kill bark scorpions and this stuff kills everything so I am happy. Good Day.

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    54 of 57 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    My New Friend - Cy-Kick CS

    By Rod on 11/20/2015

    I am soooo thankful that a friend told me about Cy-Kick CS several years ago. I've been using it since on a monthly basis and the scorpions (which I formerly had 1/2 dozen in the house or garage regularly) have all but vanished. I have even asked the "professional exterminators" that service some of my neighbor's homes, and they have said, "You can't kill scorpions, you just eliminate their food supply and they'll eventually go away". Joke. Cy-Kick CS KILLS those rascals - wherever I spray ... inside and outside. I also purchased the proper spray dispenser from "DoMyOwn" and I'm glad I did because it makes the whole process much easier than trying to improvise. Thanks!

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    1 of 1 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great stuff

    By Alta on 05/22/2024

    I've been battling a moth infestation for 3 months. Pest control people that came said, it was grain moths and I can get rid of them myself. It isn't just grain moths, it has to be cloth moths too. Every inch of my rv has larvae. Walls, floors, ceilings, everywhere and everything was contaminated. To make things even worse, doctors and a moth expert at UF, told me, I have a rare allergic reaction to the resido. It was all over my skin and my cats also had a horrible amount on their coats. I spent a ton of money on every moth thing out there to get rid of them. I'm on disability, so I'm limited on finances. I had to throw away everything, clothes, linens, food, appliances, everything needed to live day to day. I also couldn't cook and had to buy ready to eat foods, and all disposable paper products, and utensils for myself and my cats. I did another Google search, probably the 50th, I came across this product. My friend who has helped me so much through out this nightmare, said, order it. The reviews were great and I needed a miracle. This product is my miracle. After just one spray inside and out, I saw great progress in killing the larvae. You can not imagine the peace of mind it gave me and hope I had not had in 3 months. I follow the directions and spray as directed, every 3 days st first. Then it went to once a week. Be cause of the progress of the spray killing the larvae, I can back off how often to spray. It goes along ways too, mixing it with water in spraying. I'm still in the battle but, there is a giant bright light at end of tunnel thanks to this pesticide. Nothing else touched this horrible infestation. I wish I found it from the beginning. But, God truly guided me to it when it was time. Thank you to whoever created this life changing product. Noone should have thier life completely destroyed by moths like mine has been destroyed. Cy kick gave me so much back, especially peace of mind.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    so far - so good

    By Lee on 10/22/2012

    I bought this stuff, a hose end sprayer and took a week off of work!!! I cleaned every cabinet I have, the pantry and even my linen closet. I use indoor/outdoor carpet on my shelves, so I replaced it wil some nice shelf paper in a few of my cabinets - then I vacuumed the rest of the stuff. I cleaned with bleach water - all the shelves and walls. I had mistakenly gotten someone else's order of MaxForce gell - but I kept it. I used it in every crack I could find. Then I took that Cy Kick and put much of it in that hose end sprayer and turned it on. I did my crawl space and the perimeter of my house, then I did the very back of my property that is very near the house that is giving us the roaches. I have not seen a roach in 2 days. ALSO!!! I read a story online about a lady that battled the little buggers for a long time. One thing that she shared is to put bleach down your drains - and use the stoppers that screw down. IT WORKED!!! Take out your trash every night and keep your place clean - no crumbs. You can get rid of them - but it takes work.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Kills scorpions and other pests

    By Koby on 09/27/2010

    Verified Purchase

    About 10 years ago I was a licensed pest control guy that used to work for a large national chain. Here in AZ everyone is concerned about scorpions, but it seems difficult to find a residual product that controls them. This stuff really does. Once I bought my own home, I treated the perimeter with Cy-Kick CS (1.5 oz to a gallon of water) and have continued to do so every 4-6 weeks and have had literally no pest problems at all on the inside of the home. Actually the only "pest" we spotted was a dead scorpion lying in the middle of our hallway - about 3 feet from the garage entry door. This was proof to me that even scorpions are not immune to it. With two little children running around, my wife is much happier knowing this. It also controls crickets really well - another big problem in our neighborhood. It's so nice not having one of those hard-to-find crickets chirping somewhere in your living room every evening.

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    57 of 60 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Absolutely the BEST defense against scorpions in AZ!

    By Nikki on 02/09/2021

    I live in Central AZ and moved onto a property I quickly discovered has a SERIOUS bark scorpion problem. I've lived here for going on 5 years, and every summer I would get stung at least 3-5 times, and I've only seen the ones that stung me, twice. After doing some research I decided to try Cy-kick CS even though it was kinda pricey for something I wasn't sure would even help. It's been the best investment I've made in a long time. The last time I was stung by a scorpion it landed me in the hospital unable to breathe on my own, and I honestly felt like I was going to die. That summer I had been stung 5x in 3 months by bark scorpions, and I had never been in so much pain and felt so sick in my life. Well, let me tell you, not only have I not been stung even once since I started applying Cy-kick every 90-120 day, but I haven't even seen a single scorpion anywhere on my property or in my house since my first application! I was hoping to lower the amount of times I get stung each year, but since using Cy-kick the first time, it completely irradicated my entire scorpion problem COMPLETELY! Not a single sign of scorpions anywhere! It's like they were never here in the first place! If you have scorpions in your house or on your property and want them gone NOW, this will get the job done. I've tried a bunch of other products and nothing works as amazingly as Cy-kick. I tell everyone I know in AZ about it. I applied Cy-kick the first time almost 3 years ago, and haven't been stung or even seen a scorpion since that day. It literally worked like a miracle for me, and after the last reaction I had to the venom, Cy-kick probably saved my life.

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    2 of 2 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Helps Keep SCORPIONS at Bay...

    By Gem615 on 04/09/2020

    While it is a bit costly compared to some other products here, it is worth every penney! I will admit that I go a out to avoid AZ Bark Scorpions from sneaking into the house (if you can fit a credit card thru a space, its an open door for them - despite how much you seal, they akways find a way)... and while I go full throttle - usually mixing it with Demon WP, esp for the concrete walls around my yard perimeter they LOVE to hide in... Ive found the mix js pretty lethal/ successful in keeping them out of my house! I do get an occasional stragler (great having cats that find them quickly), but compared to the borage I used to get slipping under the front door & garage door to house - it is a SAVIOR! I get sooo grossed out just looking at them, and they put my animals (dogs esp) at high risk, esp since theses tiny little monsters are the most poisonous here in AZ. I usually also find that throwing a good piece of duct tape over them when they do show up (with a good whack) also makes sure they dont go crawling out of the garbage (or your vacuum cleaner!) Arghhh!!! I have tried multiple methods & this, again with Demon WP all along the foundation, windows, doors of my house helps me more worry free for at least the summer months befire having to spray again. A 2 gal garden sprayer (hand pump type) is a must have too! I also tend to fill it 2 or 3 times to ensure overkill for both my 4-5bdrm house AND the concrete block walls around my backyard!

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