Customer Reviews for D-Force Insecticide

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4.3 of 5 stars
(102 customer reviews)
D-Force Insecticide

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Displaying 1 to 18 (of 18 reviews)
  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Eliminated our problem.

    By Supriya on 03/28/2007

    Verified Purchase

    I encountered a bed bug infestation when I just started renting an apartment. I used D-Force HPX and to my surprise we were able to completely eliminate our problem. But you need to follow treatment every 10 days. Vacuum under the bed, sofa and mattress. Spray around the mattress, bed frames and carpet. We did not have to throw out any furniture.

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    59 of 62 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    It's Worth Your Money!

    By Ana on 10/18/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I'm telling you folks, this product works! I had a suspicion of bed bugs (there were random marks showing up on my skin in patterns...) and after reading other reviews purchased this product. Aside from the smell, which I recommend you vacate your place for at least 3 hours after dispersing, this product is certainly a miracle worker. Also, you can't beat the free shipping and speedy delivery!

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    21 of 22 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Great Stuff

    By M. on 11/11/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I've used this product before and it works great at stopping millipedes in their tracks and before they enter your house. I just spray it around my basement windows in the fall and in the spring. I also spray it under my washer where they liked to hide.

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    7 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    D-Force HPX 14oz. can

    By Carol on 06/07/2012

    Verified Purchase

    I started seeing many very tiny (pencil point) bugs in my kitchen especially on my counters and some in the bathroom. They were driving me crazy. I am not a dirty or messy person. I couldn't understand why I had them. I tried to research it on the Internet. The only conclusion I made was they might have come in on grain products from the store. I cleaned and washed the inside of my cabinets. I found them there. At first I thought it wasn't working but after a few days I only saw a few. The shipment came within a couple days. I am very please with the product and your company. Thank you.

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    7 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Works great, good residual effects

    By Sean on 10/15/2011

    Verified Purchase

    As a homeowner in a scorpion friendly environment, residual power makes a BIG difference to me. This product works very well, and will put an adult bark scorpion into its death throes in under 30 seconds. The only downside is that when used in a living area for cracks/crevices, there is a noticeable chemical smell for around 72 hours.

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    6 of 6 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    D-Force HPX

    By Monique on 08/02/2010

    Verified Purchase

    So far so good, have done a second spray and seems like I still have a few bed bugs left. My husband is allergic to the bites so we can tell right away when he gets bit, it's like hives. We will do another spray this weekend, we have been spacing the spraying about 2-3 weeks apart. We hope this will be the last spray for awhile. We live in NYC and bed bugs are a big problem.

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    5 of 6 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Difficult application

    By Terry on 11/09/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I am having trouble getting the small tube that will allow you to concentrate the application along the bottom of a door frame. It just will not stay in the hole in the nozzle. I even tried applying some pressure with needle nose pliers to force it in. Anyone else having that problem?

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    5 of 6 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Works Well

    By Phyllis on 05/14/2012

    This spray works really well. I had a bad infestation of moths in my indian wool rug. The entire area under the couch was infested. All the live moths as well as the larvae were killed instantly on contact. I would have preferred if the spray came out of the can in a finer mist. It comes out as a liquid so whatever you are spraying gets pretty wet, especially if you have to cover as much area as I did. It didn't stain my rug but i would spray a test area first to make sure. Depending how much you are using you should also make sure the room is well ventilated for a few hrs after you spray. Finally, I ordered the case so the cans come without the spray nozzle attached and you have to attach them yourself. I wasted a substanial amount before I was able to get the nozzle on right. It would have been nice if the cans came fully assembled. Perhaps they do when you order less than a full case.

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    4 of 5 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    bedbug help

    By Irv on 10/29/2012

    Verified Purchase

    We had slight infestation. ordered DFORCE HPX. sprayed bare floor and entire bed frame complete coverage. put mattresses and boxsprings in zippered plastic bags. pulled beds out from walls. kept all blankets from touching floors. put legs of beds in bowls of your dust.cimeXa plus vaselined legs of beds. washed all bedding every 2 to 3 days until i saw no more signs. also put pillows in hot dryer and put in zippered protectors. sprayed 4 times total since the middle of august. it is now last of oct. we mixed Lamda 9.7 CS and Gentrol IGR together and used sprayer to spray the last 3 times. the products work as i found dead bugs and later dehydrated adults on bed from going through the dust under legs. the products were shipped quickly. I recommend this company. You Can win!

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    3 of 5 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Happy and BB free so far...

    By Candelabra on 08/07/2017

    had an issue with bbs last year (i live in NYC) and hired a professional exterminator to handle. This summer, I smelled the chemicals used during the extermination process when I came home from work one day, and realized someone else in my building must have had the same issue. Woke up one morning approx 2 weeks later when I felt a tickling sensation and discovered it was an adult bbug. Freaked out and was about to call the exterminator from last year, but then decided to do some research and stumbled on this product. I have no confirmation of this, but truly feel that the bbug I found was more than likely from the neighbor with the infestation. Either way, I have not seen any others since I sprayed this bottle- no nymphs, no instars, full grown ones, nothing. I've done only one spray so far and used the bottle in its entirety for my 1 bedroom apartment...plan to do another spray in another week. Only two things about this product that resulted in my 4 star review: 1. HATE not being able to really scrub/mop my floor because of the residual. However so long as it's working, I can deal. 2. it did NOT work on my german roach issue! Was pretty disappointed on this one- it worked as a direct contact but doesn't seem to have eradicated completely. I can say however, that it's reduced the number of roaches a little bit but overall, no real results on this. Look for another product if you're trying to eliminate roaches.

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    3 of 3 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Crevice wand problem

    By Mf on 06/22/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I was unable to insert the crevice wand; it was too thick. I shaved the end of it a bit with a razor blade, that did the trick. I'm hesitant to talk yet but so far D-Force HPX seems to be effective. I have been dealing with a flour moth infestation that started last summer & has come back again. This is the first time I've tried D-Force. Since spraying it in the cabinet crevices & baseboards one week ago, I have only a few new moths in the moth traps.

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    3 of 3 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars


    By Charles on 09/02/2015

    Although D-Force is not specially formulated for powder post beetles, ( it is for termites and other chewing insects) I had relatively good results on my barn floor.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    So far so good

    By Gr33nmusic on 09/18/2020

    No more bed bugs. The roaches are a little bit harder to control, but I'm seeing less & less everyday. Still what I do wish is that the applicator came wt better instructions. I filed it halfway, and tried to use it, not realizing that the hole in the back wasn't on. Wow what a mess.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Pretty good.

    By Nycshopper on 06/29/2017

    I left flour in my cabinet for about a year. I started seeing these little creatures which I later found out were weavils. Those critters were in the flour so of course, I trashed it and for the next 2 weeks, I would see about one every other day. It wasn't a full infestation. I got D FORCE, used it 3 times every 2 days. And it seems those critters are gone. So far so good. PS: DO NOT KEEP flour in your pantry.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    D.force aerosol

    By Florence on 10/06/2017

    Very effective product. Pests appear to be developing immumity to many products.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    My favorite bug spray

    By Diana on 08/03/2018

    I think my unusual array of bugs come from my exhaust fan in the bathroom. I always find them on the floor right under that fan. I finally discovered the D-Force aerosol and this works great. I can't remember who told me about your product but they gave me a new can. When I do manage to find a suitable candidate, I ask him to spray in the fan, he does this and no bugs for weeks! I have bought 2 cans the last two times I ordered and I gave one away and ow another ready to give to someone else.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    D-Force performance

    By Pierre on 12/28/2018

    One of the best so far.I have been used so many,but this one stand alone

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Great Product

    By R. on 09/28/2024

    Works well in reducing presence of household pests. Odor is minimal and spray tube assists in targeting crevices and area between cabinets and pipe penetrations.

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