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Chad from Guerneville, Ca writes

Does Boracare work on different species of wood boring beetles?

Does Boracare work on all of the following wood boring beetle species, old world lyctus beetle southern lyctus beetle western lyctus beetle Pacific deathwatch beetle black Polycaon leadcable borer. Also, does the product need to be applied to the area of infestation only, or does one need to apply to surrounding areas to stop any spreading?


Boracare is labeled for the follwoing types of beetles, Old House Borers, Longhorn Beetles and Ambrosia Beetles, Anobiid and Lyctid Powderpost Beetles.  It is best to apply to the entire piece of wood and surrounding raw wood to treat current infestations and protect from future infestations.

Answer last updated on: 07/23/2015

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