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Karl from Los Angeles writes

Does SpeedZone Southern Herbicide work on dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum)?


SpeedZone Southern is not labeled to treat dallisgrass.  Dismiss NXT Herbicide is labeled to suppress dallisgrass, meaning that you will need multiple applications and/or other cultural or chemical treatments to completely eradicate the weed. Dallisgrass is a weed that is notoriously difficult to eradicate quickly once it is established. We would also recommend you use Dimension 2EW as a pre-emergent for dallisgrass. Apply Dismiss NXT Herbicide at the rate of 0.117 to 0.350 fl oz./1,000 sq. ft. in however much water it takes you to cover the area.  You may need to retreat 4 weeks after the first treatment

Answer last updated on: 08/17/2018

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SpeedZone Southern Herbicide

SpeedZone Southern Herbicide

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