Customer Reviews for Drain Gel

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(41 customer reviews)
Drain Gel

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Drain Gel

    By Joretta on 10/23/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I used this product as instructed diligently but still had tons of gnats. I had nothing on my counter tops and cleaned everything each day with bleach. No food out at all. I really wanted this to work but was disappointed. Sorry

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Using Drain Gel for a drain fly infestation

    By Michael on 07/30/2010

    We recently experienced a sudden infestation of pesky drain flies, in both of our sinks in the master bedroom. We purchased two gallons of Drain Gel from DoMyOwnPestControl and used them as per the instructions. It took about ten days to use all of this liquid. Unfortunately, while there was a decrease in the drain flies, this somewhat expensive product by no means eliminated them. I would not recommend this product. We are now trying other methods.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Drain Gel

    By Juan on 11/01/2011

    This product didn't work. It's true, I have fewer drain flies, but they are now much bigger. It's almost like this stuff gave them super strength.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Drain gel

    By Grant on 01/23/2017

    Am disappointed in this product. I have used as directed and it does not work.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    Thank you for your comments! We are sorry that you are not satisfied with the results from the Drain Gel. When treating for drain flies, you do want to be sure you have the correct pest identification, and that you are treating all the areas where these flies are breeding for at least 5-7 days, using 4 oz. in each drain every time you treat. We have some great additional tips and videos in our Drain Fly Treatment article here: We are also happy to trouble shoot with you via Live Chat, email, or phone at 866-581-7378.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Did not work on drain/phorid flies

    By Kris on 06/04/2017

    No issues at all with the customer service or delivery time (as I paid extra for 2 day shipping), but this was expensive and did not work for drain flies/phorid flies at all.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    We apologize you are not seeing the expected results. However, Drain Gel only eliminates the built up debri inside the drain it self. Completely eliminating the drain flies/ phorid flies is a two step process. First, you use the drain gel to clean the drain and you can use that once a week to help maintain a clean drain. This takes away their breeding grounds. Second, you will need a pyrethrin aerosol spray to get rid of the adult flies. You use this spray as a space spray. Which is spraying the aerosol into the air instead of directly onto a surface. This will only work on the flies that are out during the application because this application does not leave behind a residual. What is left over from the space spray you can use as a spot treatment or direct treatment for the ones that weren't present during the space spray. We also have kit for the drain flies that contains all that you will need to eliminate them: Please read our Drain Fly Guide so you can implement a control program that will be very effective. This guide will teach you how to inspect drains and other areas that may be infested and how to best use the product you are using:

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Not so good

    By Eugene on 07/13/2016

    We followed the directions and the drain flies went away for a day but soon reappeared, have since ordered another product to try.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Product did not work for me unfortunately

    By Amanda on 07/18/2016

    Verified Purchase

    After reading all the reviews I was excited to purchase this in hopes it would take care of my problem. Unfortunately it did not. I still have the same problem. Going to have to try and find something else again.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Trying to get rid of drain flies

    By William on 01/16/2017

    I have followed directions but the problem persists.

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    Thank you for your comments! If you have already identified the drains where flies are breeding, then it is possible you may just need to continue treating with a drain gel, or you may need additional cleaning and/or products to help speed up your treatment. Our Drain Fly Treatment Guide has additional tips and product recommendations to help you identify the breeding sites and eliminate a population effectively. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns! You may also reach us at 866-581-7378.

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    1 of 2 people found this review helpful

  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Didn't work for fruit flies and mosquitoes in shower drains.

    By Anthony on 07/24/2020

    I live in Miami in a new home that was built within the last year. It is common in these new homes to have fruit flies and mosquitoes emerge from the shower drains. I used the Drain Gel as directed and quite aggressively and it made no impact at all. Would not recommend for this purpose.

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