Customer Reviews for Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer

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4.3 of 5 stars
(400 customer reviews)
Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer
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  • 4 of 5 Stars


    By Donald on 08/29/2017

    I live in PA and this chemical will kill crabgrass but no broad leaves. I spent a extra 250.00 just to kill them. So if you have crabgrass and broad leaves you should use something else along with crabgrass killer.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Temp fix

    By Rome on 08/24/2018

    Killed it leaf wise but roots sprouted new leaves and it came back

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Crabgrass Killer

    By Danny on 04/21/2019

    Would not recommend or buy this product again. Some of the leaves turned yellow, but the plants did not die. I still have patches of healthy looking crabgrass.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Excellent for weeds

    By Mrs. on 10/27/2020

    This was the only product that killed all of the weeds which had taken over our yard. It does leave yellow spots as it states, but that's fine. Till your lawn or add more dirt and seed and all will be fine. All of the weeds were dead with two days at the latest.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Drive XLR8 Herbicide Effectiveness

    By Charles on 08/27/2015

    The product does exactly what it says it will do. I have a continuing problem getting rid of Goosegrass in my tall fescue turf. I wanted to make sure that the turf wouldn't be affected when spraying the Goosegrass. The Drive works great and leave my tall fescue untouched. A nice product.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    XLR8 Works

    By Anonymous on 08/16/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Following directions including surfactant dosage, I performed a test on a 10x100 ft strip of heavy crab grass and bermuda, some St Augstine. Within 3 days the leaves turned yellowish brown, and within 6 days, all crab grass was dead to the roots. There was no damage to bermuda and in areas where we have St Augustine, did not notice much damage, some leaves turned yellow but St Augustine is showing new growth. Will use on rest of yard this comning weekend. Note that we live in South Texas, it's mid-August, temps in upper 90's, not much rain this time of year.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    great product

    By Joan on 11/02/2020

    it really worked with my crab grass and torpedo grass the hoa sprayed it twice with their weak killer and just a few yellow leaves and i sprayed with 1 gallon container (3 refills) and yellowed all of the 3,000 feet of grass with one application it looks as though i never had it just today i got from them prodiamine 65 generic barricade to put down on my bermuda in florida at appropriate time great company and excellent people who answers questions with full knowledge of their products

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Ruined my Zoysia

    By Jeremy on 09/02/2020

    Verified Purchase

    Ordered this product because it stated it was zoysia friendly. The zoysia had been growing great for 6 weeks from seed, but the weeds were starting to come in strong as well. I marked off my 1000sf sections and applied to exact mixing measurements and sprayed. The weeds never even drooped, but all my new zoysia is brown and dead. I even have a very large tree in middle that all the leaves are now dead on that may be dead now. The weeds are all growing like crazy tho. Do NOT recommend this product on zoysia.

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  • 2 of 5 Stars

    Hasnt worked for me

    By Jordan on 09/22/2020

    It will kill stuff, it hasn't killed any of the stuff I wanted. So I bought this last year used it, made sure to use the exact mixture ratio. It seemed to burn the tips of the leaves of my crabgrass, but that was it. So this year I thought I would give it a another shot, I was getting a nice crop of cloves and crabgrass. I mixed it a little bit higher of a dosage this time. It killed all my grass, but didn't kill the weeds Lololol. I am not mad it killed my grass as I didnt follow the instructions, but it has still yet to kill any weeds. And this was quite expensive, I hope everyone has better luck than me.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Good grab grass killer in the right concentration

    By Mark on 08/27/2015

    I bought some of this to try as I have an area of my yard that is tough on regular grass to survive as the soil is poor quality, so over time crab grass has filled in and taken over. I tested this in a spot sprayer first to make sure it worked as indicated. My results are as follows, yours may vary. I first mixed and sprayed exactly as directed and found it burned the crab grass but over 3 weeks did not knock it out. I increased the concentration of the mix by about 15% and tried again. Magic, it wiped out my test patterns in days so I applied to the entire yard. It completely eradicated the crab grass and left the rest of my yard and grass untouched and green. Now I believe this stuff was advertised to kill some other broad leave plants but do to me already spraying my yard in the spring the only other weed still lingering in some areas was clover, I find this weed one of the hardest to knock out. Anyhow this spray did nothing to clover, did not even phase it. But if you are looking for something to kill grab grass and you experiment a bit and find the right concentration to water ratio for your yard it will definitely knock out crab grass.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    It Works Great, But Be Careful with Dosage!

    By Logan on 07/09/2017

    I got this quinclorac-based herbicide after spot testing a different quinclorac-based brand that didn't do much. I applied it to my whole lawn and it sure did knock out the crabgrass on my new Zoysia lawn. Two months now and it hasn't come back. Now to the application rate. Don't exceed the dosage! I put the recommended amount into my 5 gallon pump sprayer to broadcast my lawn entirely. I thought it wouldn't be all THAT bad and in the following 2 weeks the crabgrass died off as expected. All good, right? No way. There a large spots on my lawn where the Zoysia has been either completely killed or totally bleached and dry. I have these brown to gray spots on my Zoysia that don't appear immediately so it leaves you to the false assumption that over application won't harm a healthy lawn. It's really a delayed effect on your lawn if you over spray. I'm hoping that the spot will rebound where it has bleached and/or the Zoysia grow back in over the next year. Else I'll have to re-sod in places. Overall, product works great. Just don't over do it or you'll damage your lawn like it did.

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