Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 167 questions)
  • Asked by Gilbert from Houston Tx
    Does Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide kill poison ivy?

    Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide is a non-selective that should kill any weed/grass that it comes in contact with, including poison ivy 

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  • Asked by Connie from Port Charlotte
    Do you mix Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide with water?

    Yes, Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide can be mixed with water to treat annual and perennial weeds, shrubs and vines or use undiluted for stump treatments. Please refer to the product label for more instructions. 

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  • Asked by Gerald from Al
    How long after spraying Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide should it be before you have to spray again?

    Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide can be reapplied in 7 days as needed. Most treated weeds usually show initial symptoms in 2-4 days and complete kill in 1-2 weeks. Hard-to control weeds may require a second application if not completely dead in 4 weeks. 


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  • Asked by David from Searcy Arkansas
    What is the mix rate for Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide using a 4 gallon backpack sprayer to kill winter weeds in Central Arkansas in mid February?

    Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide is a non selective herbicide so it will kill both weeds and turfgrass at the labeled rates. For most annual weeds, apply at the rate of 1 1/3 fl oz per gallon of water; use 2 2/3 oz to control tougher or hard to kill perennial weeds. 

    Any barespots in turfgrass can be reseeded after 2 weeks if needed. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions. 

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  • Asked by Peewee from Elizabethtown
    Will Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide kill a maple trees?

    Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide will kill any plant or tree that you spray it on.  It is non-selective, meaning it will affect anything it touches.  If you have a large tree though, then you would have to use a large amount of it directly on the stump or get it in the trunk of the tree by drilling into it for it to die.  Larger trees are not normally affected by overspray or by applying Eraser to other plants or grass nearby.

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  • Asked by Hartley from Cleveland, Ohio
    After spraying Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide, I'm noticing lots of birds & squirrels picking at the dead grass, is this typically after an applying or could this be grubs?
    Is it expected to have a bunch of small creatures to show up and start nibbling on the lawn after it's been killed off? I only applied the product a little over a week ago, so it hasn't fully finished killing the grass. If all of these animals suddenly showed up at any other time of year, I'd think it might be an issues w grubs or other small bugs/pests, but now I'm not so sure because of the recent application.

    Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide does not affect insects in the area but the animals could be finding more seeds and insects in the area as the grass/cover they had is killed off.

    Please take a moment to view our Grub Inspection and Treatment Guide for more information on how to inspect for Grubs and an effective treatment. 

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  • Asked by Victor from Sweet Water
    Can Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide be used to kill sweetgum trees if I spray it on the base of the trees?

    Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide will suppress or control many types of woody brush and trees such as sweetgum when applied as a stump treatment. For best resutls, immediately treat the stump after being cut down (within 5 minutes). Cut stump close to the soil surface, make 4-5 nail holes in the freshly cut stump surface and then flood the stump with undiluted product. 

    Refer to the Stump Treatment Section located on page 8 of the product label

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  • Asked by Randy from Moody, Al.
    Will Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide kill privet weed?

    Unfortunately, privet is going to be difficult to kill and can take repeat applications to new growth for some time. Glyphosate and triclopyr are the two most effective chemicals to prevent the re-growth of privet hedges.

    For young Privet, foliar applications with Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide can be applied at the rate of 2.5 fl oz (5 Tbs) per gallon of water spraying the foliage to wet but not to the point of run off. Good spray coverage over the entire plant is very important as privet shrubs sprayed only on the sides will not be completely killed. The optimal timing for glyphosate treatment is late fall to early winter (November through early January) when day temperatures are mild. 

    For established privet, we would recommend cut stump treatments where you would cut the stump down just above the ground and then immediately apply a brush killer such as Fertilome Brush Killer with a paintbrush (or full strength) onto the stump. If the privet has an open, tree-like form, cut off the side limbs first and then cut the main truck as close as possible to the ground. If it is growing as a compact shrub, cut it at the base and then drag the whole plant away as one piece

    If the privet is taller than 6 to 8 feet, consider using other methods such as brush mulching, basal bark, or cut stump treatment with a 41% Glyphosate + Surfactant or Triclopyr herbcide is suggested.

    Please review this article by Alabama A&M & Auburn University Extension Office that has some great information on alternative methods for treating Privet. 

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  • Asked by How
    What is the mix rate per gallon of water for Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide?

    Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide is mixed at 1.5 fl oz to 2.5 fl oz per gallon of water per 300 sq ft.

    Per the product label, you should use 1.5 fl oz per gallon for annual weeds or seedling weeds and 2.5 fl oz per gallon of water for tougher weed control, perennials, brush and lawn renovations is recommended. 

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  • Asked by Vito
    How long before I can seed my lawn after applying Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide?

    Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide treated areas can be reseeded 2 weeks after the last application.

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  • Asked by Peggy from Winston-salem
    Is it 100% safe for cats ?
    I have 3 cats , Is it 100 % safe for cats ? Thank you
    Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide is pet safe if used as directed.  Pets must be kept out of the area during application but can return as soon as the product is dry. 
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  • Asked by Jack from Slatington, Pa
    May I use Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide in my blueberry patch to kill crown vetch?

    Crownvetch is hard to control once it is established. Using a glyphosate such as Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide or a triclopyr product is your best option to eradicate. It is recommended to apply per the product label rates on the cut stems and foliage. Follow-up treatment with herbicide is likely required to control any surviving stems or new seedlings.  Be sure to avoid any contact with the desirable plants as Eraser is a non selective that will kill anything sprayed.

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  • Asked by Kevin
    When applying Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide how far do you need to be from a plant you don't want to be affected ?

    You want to make sure any Eraser 41% Herbicide is kept off of green foliage or roots directly as it will impact any green growing plant its sprayed on. You can use it within a few feet of desirable vegetation as long as you do not saturate the soil to reach the root zone. 

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  • Asked by William from Brooklyn, Ny
    Can I use Eraser 41% with Tenacity mixed together?
    Want to kill my present lawn and plan on using Eraser, but wanted to mix it with Tenacity and apply both at the same time. Using the Tenacity as a pre-emergent since Eraser is not.

    Yes, if you are looking to kill your entire existing lawn as well as short term prevent new weeds from coming up, you are welcome to use the Eraser Herbicide mixed with Tenacity as a pre emergent. Keep in mind that Tenacity will not work on all weed species and some likely will still emerge after an application, as well as that it only lasts in the soil about 30 days. 

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  • Asked by Linda from Manvel, Tx
    My dog ate some grass that was sprayed with Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide 3 days ago. Will he be ok?

    After an application of Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide, it is pet safe as long as it has fully dried. However, if your dog shows any signs of distress, we recommend reaching out to your vet. 

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  • Asked by Marie from Gaylord, Mi
    Will Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide kill a chameleon plant?

    There is nothing labeled for this invasive ground cover and even non-selective herbicides like Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide do not seem to be very effective in getting rid of this pesky invader. You could try a combination of soil sterilants and a stronger glyphosate product RoundUp QuikPro in that area to try to control the plant but we cannot guarantee it will work. It is important to note that nothing will be able to grow in this area for at least a year after an application of a soil sterilant and that if you are treating on an incline the soil sterilant could travel through the soil and kill desirable nearby plants. 

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  • Asked by Myara from Tupelo, Ms
    If I spray Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide on tall grass growing in my monkey grass, will it also kill my monkey grass???

    Yes, Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide is a non selective herbicide that will kill anything sprayed.  You should avoid any contact with desirables plants. Fertilome Over the Top II is labeled to kill grassy weeds in lirope or monkey grass as well as various other ornamentals and ground covers. The mix rate is 1 oz. and 1 oz. of oil concentrate per gallon of water per 1,800 sq. ft. Please see the label for complete application instructions.

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  • Asked by David from Norman, Oklahoma
    Will Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide kill sandburs?

    Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide is labeled to target field sandbur.  You can refer to the product label for a complete list of target weeds, and for complete application instructions.

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  • Asked by Carl from Albany. Louisiana
    What is the mix rate per gallon of water for Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide to spray along a fence row?

    Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide is applied at 1 1/3 oz per gallon of water to control most annual weeds; use 2 2/3 oz to control tougher or hard to kill perennial weeds.  Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.

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  • Asked by Daniel from Al
    Can Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide be used on Roundup ready corn?

    Eraser 41% is not labeled for use around existing Round-Up Ready corn or other crops. Corn can be planted 3 days after an application of Eraser. 

    Cornerstone Plus Herbicide is labeled for use on Roundup Ready Corn and other crops. You can view the specific section for Roundup Ready Corn on pages 41-44 on the product label.


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