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Kb from Carlsbad, Ca writes

For preventative care, how frequently should Clearys 3336F be applied on Tall Fescue?


For preventative treatments using 3336F Fungicide, the retreatment intervals will range from 14-21 day intervals depending on the specific lawn disease you are targeting. Please refer to page 6 on the product label for a list of turf diseases, application rates and more information on retreatment intervals and timing for the specific lawn disease.  We do offer a Disease Prevention Subscription Program for homeowners to help take the guess work out of what products to apply and when during the season. These products are the top professional grade herbicides and fungicides for your area to help battle lawn diseases and weeds depending on which program you choose. 

Answer last updated on: 04/07/2022

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3336F Fungicide

3336F Fungicide

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