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Fred from Canton, Ga writes

I have excessive henbit growth in my back yard. Would Dismiss Turf Herbicide kill it?

My yard is a mix of Fescue and Bermuda, which is spreading from my neighbors lawn. It's early February and the weeds are popping up everywhere. My back yard measures approx 1/3 acre. Would a selective herbicide be best or do you recommend a weed and feed?


Dismiss Turf Herbicide is labeled to kill Henbit and labeled safe for fescue and Bermudagrass. It's a post-emergent and will kill the weeds that are already popping up. For better control of Henbit, you can make a pre-emergent application using Prodiamine 65 WDG in the summer, fall or winter before weed seeds germinate.

Answer last updated on: 02/06/2019

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Dismiss Turf Herbicide

Dismiss Turf Herbicide

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