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John from Bellmore New York writes

I have a purple plum tree it has a fungus on it I think it's called black not I bought Bonide all season

Horticultural & Dormant spray oil and I purchased infuse How much do I add in a 1gallon pump sprayer For each product


As per the label Bonide Infuse Systemic Disease Control is labeled to treat for Brown Rot, Powdery Mildew, Blossom Blight, Cherry Leaf Spot and Fruit Brown Rot, in Plums. These are the only diseases this product is labeled to treat in plum trees.  If treating for any of these diseases you will use a mix rate of 1 floz per 1gallon of water. The Mix ratio for Bonide All Season Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil for application on plum trees depends on the pest you are treating for. Neither of these product is labeled for tank mixing so we do not recommend that you mix these products together. 

Answer last updated on: 03/27/2020

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