Headway G Fungicide Granules - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 69 questions)
  • Asked by Gregory from United States
    Does Headway G Fungicide need to be watered in after application?
    Headway G Fungicide Granules only requires watering in for certain diseases such as fairy ring and spring dead spot.  Otherwise you would wait 24 hours to water treated areas if watering is needed.  Please refer to the product label for complete instructions on your target issue.
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  • Asked by Robby from Broomfield, Colorado
    How much area will Headway G Fungicide cover?
    I may be missing it, but I'm wondering how much area this product will cover?
    The amount of area Headway G Fungicide Granules will cover depends on the type of application you are making. The application ratio for most treatments is approx. 2.5lbs per 1000 sq. feet. With this being said one 30lb bag should treat approx. 12000-15000 sq. feet.
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  • Asked by Alvin from Decatur,ga
    When can you cut your grass after applying Headway G Fungicide?

    When using Headway G Fungicide it is recommended not to mow within 2 days before or 2 days after application.  

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  • Asked by Chuck from Montgomery, Al
    Is Headway G Fungicide Granules effective to treat brown spot in Bermuda grass? What are the Scott's Edge Guard rotary settings?
    In Alabama the last two years we have had lots of rain and brown spot appears every spring here. Is it effective for brown spot in Bermuda grass? What are the Scott's Rotary Edge Guard spreader settings?

    Yes, Headway G Fungicide Granules can be used to treat brown patch in your bermudagrass. The ratio for application is 3.5-4 lbs per 1000 square feet. This application can be done every 28 days as needed. For a Scott's Edgeguard, the settings are generally around 3-4 depending on how quickly you walk.

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  • Asked by Sally from Ocala, Fl
    I have Empire Zoysia in Central Florida. Should I put this down as a preventative or as a solution?
    The unique formulation of the Headway G is it works as a curative and a preventative. So you can put it down before you see signs or after and it will work great. It works extra well on root infecting diseases.
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  • Asked by Cowan from Lebanon, Va
    Can Headway be applied to a wet lawn or during a light rain?

    Headway G Fungicide Granules should be applied dry to the turf. Most applications of Headway G Fungicide do require you to water in the granules after application with 1/4" -1/2" of water so it would be best applied before a rain but not during.

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  • Asked by Myron from Lexington, Sc
    What is correct Scott's Rotary Edge-Guard spreader setting to treat brown spot in centipede lawn using Headway G?

    We apologize but the Headway G Fungicide Granules does not have your specific spreader on the label.  We recommend the following:

    If your spreader settings go from 1 to 10 (1 letting out the least and 10 letting out the most) you typically want to be around a 3 setting.  If your spreader goes from 1 to 20, you should probably be around a 6 or 7 setting.  The goal is to just run out of product when you are done walking the 1000 square feet.  One person may walk faster than someone else, so they may place It on a higher setting than someone that walks slower. 

    Almost all fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, etc have treatments in amounts of so much product per 1000 square feet.  So if you can figure out what your walking speed is then you know anytime you apply any product that calls for so much of it per 1000 square feet, you always set your spreader on this setting.  You can calibrate this by marking off a 1000 square foot (10 x 100) area and placing 4 ounces of any type of product of similar granule size, or of the extinguish in the spreader.  Start with a low setting and start walking your marked off area at a normal pace.  You can adjust as you go and find the basic setting for you to apply the product over a 1000 square feet.

    The rate for brown patch is 2 to 2.5 lbs per 1000 sqft.

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  • Asked by Jeff from Jacksonville, Fl
    What is an alternate fungicide to prevent resistance with Heritage G?
    What is a common fungicide being used to alternate in and our of headway treatment plan to avoid headway resistance. I understand it should be a fungicide out of group 11 fungicides but I'm curious what is common. I was looking at prostar which is group 7

    Prostar would be a great product to rotate with Heritage G to prevent resistance.  Another option is Eagle 20EW or Clearys 3336 DG Lite Granular Fungicide depending on what and where you are treating for.

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  • Asked by Stephen from New York
    When can I let my dogs back on the lawn? after applying Headway G Fungicide Granules?

    People and pets may return to treated areas once Headway G Fungicide Granules has dried completely after being watered in.

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  • Asked by Bryan from Billings, Mt
    What time of year should Headway G Fungicide be applied to a lawn?
    You normally apply a fungicide like Headway before signs of the disease common to occur in your lawns starts to be present. If you typically get a disease in the lawn every may, for example, then you would want to put down the headway a few weeks before the time it normally presents itself in your lawn, and continue reapplying at the appropriate intervals per the product label for that disease to keep it at bay.
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  • Asked by Jmar from Raleigh, Nc
    What is the shelf life for Headway G?

    Headway G Fungicide Granules are good for up to three years after the bag has been opened.  Be sure not to allow moisture into the bag. 

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  • Asked by Kevin from New Jersey
    How soon after I a pply Headway Fungicide can I apply Fall fertilizer?
    You can actually apply your fertilizer with your Headway G Fungicide Granules. You may want to consult your Master Gardener for the appropriate application time. 
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  • Asked by Steven from Newport Beach, Ca
    Why does the timing of grass cutting matter when using Headway G Fungicide Granules ?

    Headway G Fungicide Granules too soon before application can stress grass and make it not absorb the product as well.  Mowing too soon after can prevent it being absorbed enough to be effective.

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  • Asked by Vic from Dayton, Oh
    Are there any temperature restrictions for applying Headway G Fungicide Granules?

    There are not any temperature restrictions with Headway G Fungicide Granules . It's generally best to apply fungicide, insecticides, and herbicides in the morning or evening in summer and water in following the application.

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  • Asked by Neal from Augusta, Ga
    Can Headway be used on St. Augustine sod?

    Headway G Fungicide Granules is not for use on turf being grown for sale or other commercial use as sod, but is ok to apply to a residential St Augustine sod lawn.

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  • Asked by Maggie from Belden, Ms
    Are the Headway G Fungicide granules applied dry to the turf or dissolved in water?

    The Headway G Fungicide Granules are applied dry to the turf with a spreader and only requires watering in for certain diseases such as fairy ring and spring dead spot.  Otherwise you would wait 24 hours to water treated areas if watering is needed.  Please refer to the product label for complete instructions on your target issue.

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  • Asked by Bonnie from Sandy, Ut
    What square footage of grass does Headway G Fingicide cover?
    The amount of square feet Headway G Fungicide Granules will treat all varies on what, where and how you are treating. The label states for example, that if you are treating Brown patch you would apply 2-2.5lbs per 1,000 square feet. Please refer to the product label as to the application ratio that you need.
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  • Asked by Justin from Ny
    How long does it take to Headway G Fungicide Granules work?
    I applied it to my lawn 5days ago and I still see webs on my lawn. It appears to be dollarspot.

    Headway G Fungicide Granules  will start to work immediately (if applied as directed), but you will see the progression of the disease stop in about 7 to 10 days (this can vary). It is important to confirm the identification of the disease for proper product recommendations (and rates) to rotate applications for curative treatment and prevention. 

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  • Asked by Tom from Rexford, Ny
    Does Headway work on Red thread? Can it be rotated with Heritage for treatment of lawn fungus?
    I am looking for a product to rotate with Heritage so I do not just use Heritage every year. You can't sell Eagle 20EW in NY so I am looking for a second product to rotate applications.

    Headway G Fungicide is labeled for treatment of red thread. You would use 2-2.5 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. at 14 day intervals or 3.5-4 lbs. at 28 day intervals, and you should apply when conditions for the disease are favorable. Headway G Granules can be used as a preventative treatment and as a curative treatment since it has two active ingredients. One of the active ingredients in Headway G is Azoxystrobin, which is the same active ingredient in Heritage G granules. If you would like to rotate fungicides, you should look for one with a different active ingredient. Honor Guard PPZ Fungicide is also labeled for red thread and can be shipped to New York. Honor Guard is best applied as a preventative treatment. Be sure to follow the application instructions on the product label.

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  • Asked by John from Pittsboro, N.c.
    What setting do I use on my Scott's drop spreader when applying Headway G Fungicide Granules for brown spot?

    We apologize but the Headway G Fungicide Granules does not have your specific spreader on the label. We recommend the following:

    If your spreader settings go from 1 to 10 (1 letting out the least and 10 letting out the most) you typically want to be around a 3 setting. If your spreader goes from 1 to 20, you should probably be around a 6 or 7 setting. The goal is to just run out of product when you are done walking the 1000 square feet. One person may walk faster than someone else, so they may place it on a higher setting than someone that walks slower. 

    Almost all fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, etc have treatments in amounts of so much product per 1000 square feet. So if you can figure out what your walking speed is then you know anytime you apply any product that calls for so much of it per 1000 square feet, you always set your spreader on this setting. You can calibrate this by marking off a 1000 square foot (10 x 100) area and placing 4 ounces of any type of product of similar granule size, or of the extinguish in the spreader. Start with a low setting and start walking your marked off area at a normal pace. You can adjust as you go and find the basic setting for you to apply the product over a 1000 square feet.

    The rate for brown patch is 2 to 2.5 lbs per 1000 sqft.

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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 69 questions)