Heritage G Fungicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 21 to 40 (of 59 questions)
  • Asked by William from Columbia
    How ofter do you need to apply Heritage G Fungicide?

    Heritage G Fungicide is usually applied every 14-28 days, depending on what you are treating for.  You can find the application intervals for specific diseases on the product label.

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  • Asked by Brian from Danville, Va
    Can I apply Heritage G Fungicide with a hose end sprayer?

    Heritage G Fungicide is a granular fungicide that must be applied with a broadcast spreader.

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  • Asked by Morris from Northport, Al
    Is Heritage G or Pillar G better for treating gray leaf spot on St Augustine?
    I have been ordering Pillar G from you guys for this problem and it worked fine, however, on my last order I accidentally ordered Heritage G. I will use this, but was wondering your opinion for treatment in the future, the Heritage G or Pillar G?

    The Pillar G Instrinic Granular Fungicide label states that you should not apply more than two sequential strobilurin-based fungicides sequentially prior to rotation to a different mode of action or classification.  Pillar G and Heritage G both have a Group 11 classification so they would not be the best products to rotate to protect against fungicide and plant resistance. A better option would be a Group 1 fungicide like Clearys 3336G Fungicide or a Group 3 fungicide like Eagle 20EW

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  • Asked by Michael from Punta Gorda, Fl
    When to put down Heritage G Fungicide in South Florida

    Fungicides such as Heritage G Fungicide usually work best when applied as the disease is just beginning or as a preventative  Please contact your local cooperative extension office to determine the correct timing of the application as this will vary greatly from region to region based on your target disease.

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  • Asked by Garvin from Charlotte, Nc
    What are the best options for a different fungicide besides Heritage G to continue treatment to avoid building resistance?
    I bought Heritage G granules but would like a different fungicide to continue treatment/prevention to avoid building resistance. What are the best options, ideally several as I know some products are beyond my reach financially lawn is tall fescue approximately 8,000 sq ft. Right now, the lawn has several fairly large patches of dead grass. I'm doubtful whether it is worth putting it down this late in the year but at the least I would like to be well prepared for next year to prevent the spread of pythium on my lawn.

    Heritage G should be applied in the early stages of disease development to achieve optimal results. It is labeled for pythium but fungicides usually work best when applied as the disease is just beginning or as a preventative. We are not sure if Heritage will work for the treatment you described. We recommend calling the manufacturer as they are the experts on their product. You can reach Syngenta by calling 866-796-4368.

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  • Asked by Mike from Greenville, Sc
    Can I apply Heritage G Fungicide mixed with lime at the same time?
    Lime and Heritage G Fungicide at the same time?

    Heritage G Fungicide and lime can be applied around the same time but not in the same application.  It would be best to apply one then the other.

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  • Asked by Paul from Durham Nc
    Can Heritage G be used in flower beds?
    Getting ready to plant pansies and worried about stem rot.

    Heritage G Fungicide can safely be applied to landscape areas when applied per label.

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  • Asked by Guy from Madison
    Does Heritage G treat red thread?

    Yes, Heritage G Fungicide is labeled for red thread as directed on the product label.  Apply when conditions are favorable for disease development.  It would be recommended to rotate to another active ingredient after 2-3 appliations to prevent resistance.  Clearys 3336 DG is a great option to do so with.  

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  • Asked by Ann from Cumming, Ga
    How much Heritage G Fungicide for Hydrangeas with Cercospora Leaf Spot?

    Heritage G Fungicide is not labeled for use on Hydrangeas or ornamentals. A great product labeled for use on Hydrangeas for Cercospora Leaf Spot is Garden Tech Daconil Fungicide Concentrate. It should be applied to the foliage, early on to point of run off, every 7-14 days until conditions no longer favor disease.  

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  • Asked by David from Franklinville, Nj
    If Heritage G Fungicide is applied to heavily, will it harm the grass?

    It is important to apply the correct amount of Heritage G Fungicide for your treatment to avoid any injury. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions.

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  • Asked by Lin from Graniteville Sc 29829
    How often to apply Heritage G Fungicide? Should my turf be wet or dry?

    The application interval of Heritage G Fungicide ranges from 10-28 days or 14-28 days depending on the fungus you are treating. Please take a look at the product label for appropriate application intervals. This product can be applied to dry turf and irrigated per label instructions.   

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  • Asked by Ashley from Winston-salem, Nc
    What fungicide would be recommended for gray leaf spot in newly seeded Tall Fescue lawn?

    Heritage G Fungicide granules are effective as both a preventative and curative treatment for gray leaf spot in tall fescue lawns and would be a good option for you.

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  • Asked by J
    How close can I spread Heritage G Fungicide to shrubs without hurting them?
    My grass grows around my hedge of Japanese Blueberry shrubs. How close can I apply the granules to the shrubs?

    It would be recomended to keep Heritage G Fungicide applications outside of the dripline of ornamentals and completly out of beds.  It is only for use on turfgrass as directed on the product label.  

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  • Asked by Alex from Austin, Tx
    Heritage or Headway?
    Which is better for take all root rot in St Augustine turf in central Texas?

    Both Heritage G Fungicide and Headway G Fungicide are both labeled for Take-All Patch. They would be great rotation products every 28 days after 2-3 applications of one. 

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  • Asked by Lee from Ripon, Ca
    Hello, I have a Lesco Spreader, What setting should I set it to?
    We recommend contacting the manufacturer of Lesco Speader directly for an accurate setting. You can find them here at http://www.rittenhouse.ca/asp/Menu.asp?MID=429 or call 1-800-461-1041.
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  • Asked by C from Milford, Mi
    Azoxystrobin vs Mefenoxam
    What is the difference in treating Pythium Blight with Azoxystrobin vs Mefenoxam? Which is better?

    Heritage G Fungicide contains azoxystrobin which will work best as a preventative application for pythium blight. Azoxystrobin is also a more broad spectrum fungicide. Since pythium can be very destructive and spread quickly, a mefenoxam product such as Mefenoxam 2 AQ Fungicide would be preferable if you are already seeing damage. Banol Fungicide is another option for prevention and treatment of Pythium Blight on turfgrass.

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  • Asked by Kenneth from Phenix City
    How many square feet will a 10lb bag of Heritage G Fungicide cover?

    The 10lb bag of Heritage G Fungicide will cover 2500 to 5000 sq ft at the rate of 2 to 4lbs per 1000 sq ft depending on the disease you are targeting. Please refer to the product label for specific rates for the target disease. 

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  • Asked by Michael from Columbia
    Should Headway be applied to entire lawn or just to infected arears?

    It would be best to apply Heritage G Fungicide to the entire areas that are effected as well as the surrounding area to cure and prevent the spread of the fungus. 

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  • Asked by Jamie from Thornton, Texas
    Can Heritage G be used on St. Augustine grass?

    Heritage G is labeled for use on St. Augustine grass for the target diseases listed on the product label. Please see the label for complete application instructions.

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  • Asked by Dan from Atlanta Ga
    Will Heritage G increase or lower my soil pH levels?
    I have some fungus already in my lawn. I just put Heritage G down. My soil ph level is just below optimal (just had it tested) so I want to slightly increase the ph level to help fight the fungus.

    Fungicides could actually lower the pH in your lawn, but you could consider using a product like CAL FLO Liquid Limestone, which is ideal for use when rapid soil pH is needed.  It quickly adds calcium to the soil, and can improve pH by up to 1 point in as few as 10 days. Normally, 2 to 3 gallons per acre can adjust pH by at least 1/2 point, and 4 to 6 gallons will adjust it 1 point.  You can refer to the product label for complete application instructions. 

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Displaying 21 to 40 (of 59 questions)