Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV 6

Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV 6

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Product Overview

Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV 6 is a selective, post-emergence herbicide which is effective in controlling a wide range of broadleaf weeds. It is a low volatile product which will not injure most established grasses. It is specially formulated to provide control in crops and non-crop places like lawns, pastures, fencerows, rangelands and right-of-ways. It will control tough weeds such as Smartweeds, Bindweed, Tansy ragwort, Curly dock, Thistle, Wild garlic, and Wild onions in soybeans (preplant), small grains, corn, and more. For best results, use this product as a water or oil spray during warm weather when young weeds and brush are growing. Lower use rates is recommended for susceptible, annual weeds and for areas where it is very dry or for perennial weeds, higher use rates should be applied. Perfect for use on lawns and around listed fruit and nut trees. No grazing for 7 days for dairy and wait 3 days for slaughter.

Competitive Product: Various Ester 2,4-D brands

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient 2,4-D, 2-ethylhexyl ester 88.4%
Target pests Bindweed, Curly dock, Smartweeds, Tansy ragwort, Thistle, Wild garlic, Wild onions
* See label for complete list
For use in Fence Rows, Lawns, Pastures & Range-lands, and Right-of-Ways
Application * Use a Surfactant to Increase Effectiveness
* See label for complete application instructions
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label
Formulation Professional Product
Shipping Weight 9.82 lbs
Manufacturer VPG (Mfg. Number: 24113)
UPC 732221241138
EPA Registration 81927-39-7401




Put about half full of water in the spray tank, then add the required amount of Hi-Yield 2, 4-D LV 6 with agitation, and fill with the the rest of the water. If oil is combined, mix this product first and the oil and then add mixture to the water. However, with enough agitation, the oil may be put in after the product is mixed in water. If straight oil is used, a solution is formed and separation does not occur. Do not allow any water to get into the oil-herbicide mixture to avoid formation of an invert emulsion.


Alder, Alfalfa, Artichoke, Aster, Austrian fieldcress, Beggartick, Biden, Bindweed, Bitterweed, Bitter wintercress, Blackeyed Susan, Blessed thistle, Blue lettuce, Box elder, Broomweed, Buckbrush, Buckhorn, Bull thistle, Bur ragweed, Burdock, Burhead, Buttercup, Canada thistle, Carpetweed, Catnip, Chamise, Cherokee rose, Chickweed, Chicory, Cinquefoil, Coastal redstem sage, Cockle, Cocklebur, Coffeebean, Coffeeweed, Common sowthistle, Cornflower, Coyotebrush, Creeping Jenny, Croton, Curly Indigo, Dandelion, Devil's claw, Dock, Dogbane, Dogfennel, Elderberry, Fanweed, Fiddle neck, Flea bane (Daisy), Flixweed, Florida pusley, Frenchweed, Galinsoga, Goatsbeard, Goldenrod, Goosefoot, Ground ivy, Gumweed, Halogeton, Hawkweed, Healall, Hemp, Henbit, Hoary cress, Honeysuckle, Horsetail, Indiana mallow, Indigo, Ironweed, Jerusalem artichoke, Jewelweed, Jimsonweed, Klamathweed, Knotweed, Kochia, Lambsquarter, Locoweed, Lupine, Mallow, Manzanita, Marijuana, Many flowered aster, Marshelder, Mexican weed, Milkvetch, Morningglory, Musk thistle, Mustard, Nettle Nutgrass, Orange hawkweed, Parsnip, Pennycress, Pennywort, Peppergrass, Pepperweed, Pigweed, Plantain, Poison hemlock, Poison ivy, Pokeweed, Poorjoe, Povertyweed, Prickly lettuce, Primrose, Puncture vine, Purslane, Rabbitbrush, Ragweed, Redstem, Russian thistle, Sagebrush, Salsify, Sand shinnery oak, Shepardspurse, Sicklepod, Smartweed, Sneezeweed, Southern wild rose, Sowthistle, Spanishneedle, St. Johnswort, Starthistle, Stinging nettle, Stinkweed, Sumac, Sunflower, Sweet clover, Tansymustard, Tansy ragwort, Tanweed, Tarweed, Texas blueweed, Thistles, Toadflax, Tumbleweed, Velvetleaf, Vervain, Vetch, Virginia creeper, Wild buckwheat, Wild carrot, Wild garlic, Wild lettuce, Wild onion, Wild parsnip, Wild radish, Wild rape, Wild strawberry, Wild sweet potato, Willow, Witchweed, Wormseed, Wormwood, Yellow rocket, Yellow starthistle, and other broadleaf weeds which may be listed elsewhere on the label.

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How long after application of Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV 6 must horses wait before grazing?

Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV 6 has no grazing restrictions for horses. You would just need to let the product completely dry before allowing any grazing to take place. 

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What is the mixing instruction using a hand sprayer 3 gal tank spraying horse weed with Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV 6?

Per the product label for Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV 6: SPOT TREATMENT IN NON-CROP AREAS: To control broadleaf weeds in small areas with a hand or back pack sprayer, use 2 2/3 fluid ounces of this product per gallon of water and spray to thoroughly wet all foliage.

Please refer to the product label for complete instructions if you are applying in a different area as rates can vary.

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How long after application of Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV 6 will rain affect its potency?

There should not be any rainfall 48 hrs prior to application of Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV 6 or 48 hrs following the application.

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Will Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV6 stunt the growth of my lawn?

Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV6 will provide broadleaf weed control and should not stunt the growth of a lawn. You don't state in your question what type of turf you have. Please see the product label  to be sure specific type of grass is on the label for use.

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What will Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV 6 do to my trees?

I have an orchard and some other small bushes in an area where I wanted to spray this product. What affect will this have on my cherry, apple trees and also my willows?


Hi-Yield Range and Pasture 2, 4-D LV 6 will not harm desirable trees and bushes as long as you are not spraying or allowing drift to contact the foliage directly. Keep in mind that small amounts of spray drift that may not be visible may injure susceptible broadleaf plants.

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