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Betsy writes

How do I fill the duster with the Drione Dust?


There is a lid on the Drione Dust that unscrews from the top.  Also, the top black part on the bulb dusters that the clear extension tubes attach to also unscrews off of the bulb part of the duster.  This will reveal a wide opening and will allow you to pour the dust in the duster, and then put the lid back on.  You should do this outside in case any misses the opening, and just remember also that you should only fill the duster about 1/4 of the way for best results.  You should never fill the duster more than half way or there will not be any room in the bulb duster for air to force the dust out.

Answer last updated on: 05/20/2011

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B&G Bulb Duster 1150

B&G Bulb Duster 1150

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