Product Q&A

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Ranae from Lidgerwood writes

How do I mix the dry product Captan for spraying for apple trees? How much water do I put in the sprayer?


Bonide Captan will control scab on apples. Here are the insructions per the Product Lable on how to treat for scab on your crab apples. Primary scab, black rot (frogeye), botrytis blossom- end-rot – Use 1½ Tbs. per gal. of water. Apply in prebloom, bloom, petal fall and first cover sprays at 10 to 14 day intervals. Brooks fruit spot, sooty blotch, fly speck, black rot, black pox, botryosphaeria rot, bitter rot – Use 1½ Tbs. per gal. of water. Apply in second and late cover sprays at 10 to 14 day intervals. May be applied up to harvest. Note: Do not apply this product with or closely following, or in alternation with wettable sulfur products on sulfur-sensitive varieties of apples such as Baldwin, King, Red Delicious, Staymen, etc. as severe injury and defoliation may occur.  

Answer last updated on: 06/10/2018

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