Product Q&A

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Scott writes

How do you control carpenter bees?


The Carpenter Bee Kit with Cyper WP provides a complete carpenter bee control solution for your home. The Delta Dust with the Centrobulb duster allows you to dust in existing carpenter bee holes, while the included 20 x 3/8 inch plastic plugs can be used to stop up the holes. In addition, the Cyper WP will make 24-48 gallons of finished insecticide solution which can be sprayed on target surfaces to prevent further infestation. Please note that the Cyper WP will leave a filmy visible residue that can be seen on darker wood surfaces. Cyper WP must be applied with a 1 or 2 gallon pressurized sprayer. Look here for more sprayers. If the visible residue is a problem for you, you can also choose to purchase the Caprneter Bee kit with Cyonara 9.7.

Answer last updated on: 04/28/2011

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