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Mike from Sewell, Nj writes

How do you measure the specific amount of Celero granules to tank mix for 1,000 sq. ft. when spot treating?

Do you need a measuring scale? Or is it just a certain number of teaspoons for either the 0.25 oz. or 0.33 oz.?


For spot treatments, you will mix Celero Herbicide at 0.25 oz (1.5 tsp) to 0.33 oz (1.98 tsp) in one to two gallons of water to treat 1,000 square feet.
 Add 2 teaspoons (1/3 fl oz) of non-ionic surfactant per gallon of water.

Answer last updated on: 06/02/2021

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Celero Herbicide

Celero Herbicide

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