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Eddie from Al writes

How much Clipper do I mix in each sprayer (have 2- 30 gallon sprayers)?

I have 15 acre lake with approximately 3 acres of water shield bordering the lake.


Apply Clipper Herbicide as a broadcast spray at 6 to 12 ounces of formulated product per acre plus an adjuvant approved for use in aquatics. Apply Clipper Herbicide in a minimum of 30 gals of water per acre to all areas of the water body where weeds exist. Coverage is essential for effective control as all floating weeds need to be exposed to lethal concentrations in all parts of the water body. Any untreated escapes or re-introductions of plants that were not treated will reestablish in areas where surface weeds had previously been controlled. If a second application is required to provide control, it is recommended that a treatment be made once the return of these weeds is first observed, but no sooner than 28 days after the last treatment.


Answer last updated on: 07/20/2021

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Clipper Herbicide

Clipper Herbicide

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