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Allan from Sugarland, Tx writes

How would I treat for woodborers in a coffee table?

We have a painted soft wood coffee table about 4 ft x 3 ft, with small holes in clusters of 15-30 each in a number of places. The holes vary but are 1-2 mm in diameter and not deep - perhaps 1/8 to 1/4inch - but the depth is not easy to see. The table has value only as an art piece so we cannot strip it. The table has been in dry storage for about 5 years but the borers do not appear active as there is no wood dust about. What chemicals could we use to inject or otherwise treat the problem? I can send photo's if you provide me with an email address. Thank you


You could possibly treat with a product we have called Jecta.  This can be injected into each individual hole.  Other than this we would recommend taking the table to a furniture restorer to get this taken care of.  Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

Answer last updated on: 11/07/2016

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