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Linda writes

How would I use Terro PCO ant bait if the ants are located in the bathroom walls (tub area)?

We have been in a new home for 6 months now and recently noticed tiny black ants. At first, we assumed that they were coming in via the plumbing/pipes. They end up all of the bathtub and floor, constantly throughout the day. However, we recently noticed that they are in fact coming out of the walls. How would this bait work for them to take back to the colony?


You simply place the stations close to the area where you are seeing activity such as on the ledge of the tub. The ants will come and feed on the ant bait and carry it back to the colony where they will share it with the other ants. Baits do a great job eliminating those ants that have colonies in hidden or inaccessible areas. Ants do occasionally change their nutritional needs and sometimes will accept carbohydrates or sweet baits (usually liquids or gels) such as the Terro PCO and at other times they will only accept protein baits (usually solids or granules) such as the Niban granules. We usually recommend that you use both a sweet and protein bait together so that you do not have a problem with bait acceptance.

Answer last updated on: 12/30/2010

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