Product Q&A

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Don from Indianapolis, Indiana writes

How would you mix Peters Professional Liquid S.T.E.M. Fertilizer at a rate of 30 gal per Acre for a lawn?

I have 10 acres of lawn and a 30 gl sprayer. Could it be mixed with 2-4 D Herbicide?


Peters Professional Liquid STEM is primarily used in greenhouse production or for specific crops with high pH growing media or higher micro-nutrient demands. We recommend contacting Everiss directly at  1-800-492-8255 if you would like their input on how to use this product on turfgrass. You can browse our Liquid Lawn Fertilizers here. TurfGrass Pro Micros would be a good product if you are just looking for micro-nutrients for your turf. On turfgrass, you would use 2-6 oz per 1000 sq ft in sufficient water every 7-14 days. Most fertilizers can be mixed with herbicides. Be sure to follow the more restrictive labeling and to perform a small jar test first when using two products together for the first time.

Answer last updated on: 05/01/2018

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