Product Q&A

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Madelyn from East Orange, Nj writes

If a cat eats one pack of First Strike Soft Bait Rodenticide, would it be bad? Could the cat die?


We recommend contacting your veternarian immediately to discuss the effects your cat may have if he/she consumed any amount of First Strike Soft Bait Rodenticide. Product Label WARNING: TREATMENT FOR PET POISONING: If animal eats bait, call veterinarian at once. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN OR VETERINARIAN: Contains the anticoagulant difethialone. If swallowed, this material may reduce the clotting ability of blood and cause bleeding. For humans or animals ingesting bait and/or showing obvious poisoning symptoms (bleeding or prolonged prothrombin times), give Vitamin K1 intramuscularly or orally. Also for pets, if needed, check prothrombin time every 3 days until values return to normal (up to 30 days). In severe cases, blood transfusions may be needed. Here is the SDS for more information. Please provide all of this information to your vet as soon as possible.

Answer last updated on: 12/09/2019

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