Product Q&A

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Paul from Terrebonne, Oregon writes

If Crossbow can harm nursing calves, how old should a non nursing calf be to graze directly after spraying?

A calf is not a lactating dairy animal but you say it can be harmed through mother's milk. If that is the case it must be harmful for a calf to graze on grass sprayed with Crossbow. How old does a non nursing calf need to be to not be harmed by Crossbow?


The product label for Helena Crossbow Herbicide states, "Except for lactating dairy animals, there are no grazing restrictions following application of this product." 

For a more precise answer to your question, I recommend contacting the manufacturer, Helena Chemical Company at 901-761-0050.

Answer last updated on: 07/07/2021

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Helena Crossbow Herbicide

Helena Crossbow Herbicide

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