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Gary from Smithtown, Ny writes

I'm looking for a crabgrass pre-emergent for my new lawn.

I have a new lawn that I had seeded last year and the grass is growing well. I live on Long Island New York. Previously I had very bad crabgrass problem. I am hoping to stop the crabgrass this year. Can you please recommend a pre-emergent for my lawn and when I should apply it?


Almost every pre-emergent can only be used on well established lawns only. Using pre-emergents on lawns that are not well established could lead to unfavorable results. If you feel your lawn is well established you can use Hi Yield Turf and Ornamental with Dimension to control crabgrass both pre-emergently and post-emergently (for up to 4 weeks).

Answer last updated on: 01/18/2013

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