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David from San Antonio, Texas writes

Is Blindside Herbicide WDG safe for use in Fine and Tall Fescue to get ride of poa annua (annual bluegrass)?


Blindside Herbicide WDG is only labeled to be used on Tall Fescue and would injure fine fescue.  It will also only suppress poa annua not completely control it without multiple applications.   There really are not options for treating cool season grass types in other cool season types like Fescue blends.  Alternative options would be to either spot-treat with a non selective product and then reseed with the fescue in those areas, or you can use a preemergent such as Pendulum in the fall to prevent the poa from growing in the first place (though you cannot reseed with a pre application in the fall)

Answer last updated on: 02/08/2022

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Blindside Herbicide WDG

Blindside Herbicide WDG

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