Product Q&A

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J. from Houston, Tx writes

Is Cyonara harmful to beneficial or harmless critters living outdoors, such as earthworms, birds, frogs, snakes, or lizards?

Is Cyonara harmful to beneficial or harmless critters living outdoors, such as earthworms, birds, frogs, snakes, or lizards?


Cyonara could potentially be harmful to earthworms and any other insect that crosses over the treated area as it is not a selective insecticide. Cyonara should not cause any issues for other animals as long as they are not sprayed with the product. You will most likely see reduction in the animals that are there to eat the insects in your lawn because the insects will be gone and the critters will go elsewhere to look for a meal.

Answer last updated on: 04/14/2012

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Cyonara 9.7 Insecticide

Cyonara 9.7 Insecticide

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